
Update One Hundred and Fifty-Five: 18 April 2018

Heart and Seoul

4.5 hours, 18 of 8 achievements


Okay, that was a big heap of nothing.

A short, no quality game gets a short, no quality review. There’s really zero content in this game. It’s embarrassingly short with wallpaper-thin characters. There are exactly two sprites in the game - one for each boy. That’s it. No different expressions, not even a smile and a frown sprite. There’s the inclusion of the dumb matching minigame which is just there to… pad for time, I guess? And a surprise insert video of a dance floor with a LOT of white folks in it for it to be in Seoul.

I got this game from a bundle - it was a leftover I decided to keep. That’s really the only way I’m okay with having this game in my backlog, and at least it’s one more 100%

This is the VN equivalent of eating celery, or filling up a cup of water just to pour it down the drain. Nothin’.

Next up: RNGesus, give me a good VN to play.

… all right, let’s give it a shot.
See you soon!



huuuh I have to play highschool possession very soon too!


I’m not a big Dharker Studios fan, so you might like it more than I do. It’s just very goofy and very Wish Fulfillment For Boys. nsfw: Obviously the first thing the guy does when he wakes up in his female classmates’ bodies is to jerk off, both times. What’s more unrealistic than suddenly waking up in a different body? A standard teenage boy knowing enough about the vulva to bring about earth-shattering orgasms. /rolllllllllllllllllllll

Also the sprites fuck me up. Why are their noses rendered so realistically compared to everything else? It throws the stylization of the whole face off, and now everything looks wrong.


ewwwwwwww I don’t know if I can’t stand that hahaha