
Update One Hundred and Ninety-Four: 30 June 2018

A Foretold Affair

38 hours, 16 of 16 achievements


My week’s been awfully stressful in all aspects and I really can’t get my head in to write up a decent review. Settling in at work is an ever uphill climb, working two jobs at once is abysmal (I’m never doing that again), and health concerns can sneak up on you when you least expect it (everybody go to their dermatologists to get checked out for precancerous lesions and WEAR SUNSCREEN, motherfuckers.)

I did like this one, but not enough to put it on the list. It’s a shame, because it features my ideal type of male love interest - tall, gangly, delicate, breakable, gentle. The art is gorgeous, but all the story beats were ‘almost’ - it was almost good enough to really hook me, it almost felt right, almost, almost. This might sound like a weird criticism but I almost felt like this story was too real in the sense that everything just… was. Everyone hated each other until they didn’t, people were just prickly and said the wrong, slightly-tone-deaf things and they muddled along until it ended. No craft, no rhythm, no real escapism. Not a problem always, but I was especially set up for a kind of flight of fancy-type thing with the premise and setting.

It was aight. Probably my last completion for this month’s theme, which I DID enjoy, even if I didn’t like a good amount of the games I played. Next week will be better.

Next up: Let’s try a freebie!

See you soon!