
Update Four: 06 June 2017

the Secret Order 2: Masked Intent

3.8 hours of playtime, 24 of 24 achievements
tsuper review: 4/10


This review is going to be pretty brief, because I don’t have a ton to write about this entry into the Artifex Mundi stable of good ol’ hidden object games.

It’s an older title, and hasn’t aged particularly well. Everything that’s good about it is good about just about any other Artifex Mundi game, and things that are bad are… pretty bad. The CG models for different side characters (especially that one weird kid) would’ve been awful when it game out, let alone now. The story is nonsensical and the voice acting is… well… they’re trying, okay, they’re trying. The only things of note is that there were a surprising amount of little cutscenes of the environment changing, some of which were simulated and rendered pretty nicely, and that the main character had a bit of a personality. Her comments when you tried the wrong solutions were pretty cute.

Beyond that: standard fare.

Next up: Time to take a walk in the wilderness.

See you soon!

CleaningSimp twitter

Kona! It was made in my province, and showcases a lot of our culture, so I want to try it sometime myself^^. I hope you enjoy!


I don’t know much at all about Canada, or Quebec in particular, so it’s fun noting the differences not just in culture, but in time period (the game is set in the 70’s). Everything’s in Canadian-french! (Quebecois?)


Played Kona during it’s early Early Access days, showed a lot of promise! Been meaning for quite a while to pick it again myself, can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it! :D


A friend of mine got it for me back when it was in early access, but I have a strict No Early Access policy. I just let it kick around in my inventory until I saw that it had been fully released. A nice surprise!

I’ve put in a couple hours already, and I’m enjoying it! I love walking simulators (fuck the haters) and the survival game elements are juuust enough to keep you on your toes but not enough to wear the game down. It makes sense to have good ol’ Carl snuggle up to some fires - it’s cold out there!