
Update One Hundred and Fifty-Eight: 21 April 2018

2064: Read Only Memories

69 hours, 64 of 64 achievements


This will be on the shorter side, since this is a replay.

I liked Read Only Memories less the second time around. I played it before the big ‘2064’ patch that added voices and changed some parts of the game - most notably, I saw, the final antagonistic confrontation in the game. The voices added and detracted from the game. The voice actress who voiced Clementine from the Walking Dead game, Melissa Hutchinson, voices the main character Turing, and did an incredible job of making them endearing and cute. (Dave Fennoy, who voiced Lee, also does the opening and closing monologues!) Picking out Jim Sterling as the head of an anti-tech movement was fun to see, too. I ended up liking some characters far less now that they’re voiced, because lines were read in different ways than I had initially read them. Jess in particular feels way flatter as a character with how one-note her acting was.

More parts of the game in general felt flatter, and I’m not sure if it’s because I knew what was coming or if it just wasn’t super well done. The antagonistic confrontation I mentioned above in particular felt very, VERY forced, especially the added cliche backstory they gave Dekker. Whether it didn’t work or it just didn’t reach my heart in particular, I just wasn’t really feelin’ it this time around.

At the end of the day, though, I got the two achievements I missed the first time around, as well as two new ones they added after the big update. One more in the 100% pile c:

Next up: It’s been three months or so since I played a JRPG so I’m obviously long past due.

See you soon!


Moyataro made a poster for this: link


Ahhh, it looks so good! Moyataro is such a wonderful artist


I had no idea Jim Sterling did voice acting for this game. I’m moving it to the top of my backlog :)
Also, thanks for sharing your game impressions here, I find your reviews very informative and fun to read.


Yeah! His role is minor, as a character you talk to for one quest in one chapter, but he did a good job! I’m used to hearing his voice used to a BIG BOMBASTIC effect in his Jimquisition persona, and hearing him talk naturally was really nice.

Thank you! That is really very kind of you to say, especially under this small review that I don’t particularly like very much. I wrote it late at night and sleep-deprived, and in daylight it’s pretty meandering and disjointed. I’m glad you got something out of it anyway c: