
8 January 2021 // S21E02

Half-Life 2
Game gifted by friends

Half-Life 2: Episode One

4.3 hours
8 of 13 achievements

Quite different from the previous ones, with Alyx helping out throughout most of the game - so it felt quite different (the previous games are so solitary). I liked the soundtrack in this one a lot. Sucks that it ends with a cliffhanger, nonetheless there's still Episode Two. If that one ends in the same kind of cliffhanger, maybe I'll start to FULLY understand all the HL3 memes…

As I’m almost done with Half-Life series, I’ve also listed these two as Won’t Play due to being multiplayer games which, I expect, are dead by now and I’m not interested in multiplayers anyway.

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    Half-Life Deathmatch: Source

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    no achievements

  • Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
    Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

    0 minutes playtime

    no achievements