
Update 5: Purchases and wins for the last month

I’ve decided to split the posts since they got too long XD
So from now on I will make one post at the end of the month with all my beaten/completed games and what I thought about them and one post in the middle of the month with new purchases and wins from the previous month up to that date.

This post will be about the purchases/wins starting from March 1st until today (since I did the wins for last month already).

My steamgift wins:

5 wins so far. Seems to be a good month :)

About the wins:
Silence: I was interested in this game for some time and will probably play this next month.
Solitaire Club: A nice little card game.
Age of Wonders III: Tried to win this for some time. Looks like a nice strategy game, which I like very much.
Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Pack: Couldn’t have come at a better time, since I’m playing Borderlands2 right now :)
Breach: Took part in this GA impulsively. Liked the trailer, so we’ll see what I think about it.

Other purchases (Humble,Fanatical,Steam):

So this makes 13 new purchases/wins for this month and I’ve beaten/completed 3 games so far and working on the 4th. So unfortunately for this month my backlog seems to grow by at least +10 new games. I’ll keep you posted XD


Oh no, you got caught. We all end up there at one point, having more games brought/won then actually completed. In fact I started this year with 70% never played, now I’m at 72% and at the start of next month I’ll be posting my 3month progress line and everyone will see how worse I got


Yeah. I totally blame my impulse buys for that 😅 And the games I usually get/win are ones that are mostly on the longer side. So I can’t just beat 20 of those to reduce my backlog each month (I think my boss would mind me not coming to work 😒). But nevertheless I’m trying each month and I think that is the most important thing 😊

And it also could be much worse. It could be +20 or even more. So I put this still in the “win” category.

Wish you all the luck in the world for your backlog fight 😁


Thanks, I’ve done almost 60 games this year but a few were repeats or not on steam. So that + deleting completed game + final fantasy sale = extra 2% never played.

Good luck fighting your backlog too


60 games in 2019 alone O_o, that’s a lot.
Just counted mine. 21 since December 2018. Not bad.
And the not on steam problem I know too well. With all those different clients popping up left and right and me having also a lot of drm-free games, it’s been a hard fight. But groups like this help a lot.


Well as I said thats also counting non steam games. Steam games alone though I’ve done 30 which still isn’t bad. Even the number you gave is great, as long as you gradually play more games then youre buying you should complete it one day


Yeah, you are right. One of my biggest problems was that I stopped playing for several years when I took care of my mum, but still bought games. So my backlog grew.
Also I like to really immerse myself in the games, meaning I will play for hours without end, but since I’m a responsible adult with a job now I can’t very well do it. So now I just set an alarm so that I can get some playing time in, but go to bed at a reasonable time too.

While writing this I look at the clock which reads 2.10 am XD
But I’m off work for the next two days, so no worries ;)


So this makes 13 new purchases/wins for this month and I’ve beaten/completed 3 games so far and working on the 4th. So unfortunately for this month my backlog seems to grow by at least +10 new games. I’ll keep you posted XD

Haha, right there with you my friend. So many games you want to play (eventually) and never enough time.

I think a huge step is at least narrowing the focus though. Less trash games coming in, I try to look more at reviews, play times, etc now.


I was never the person that just added games to get the +1. So usually when I add a game I read the description, watched the trailer and maybe even some gameplay vids. So normaly all my games are ones that I like to eventually play or at least try out.


Good on you! You’re a step ahead of some of us. ;)