
October Play Log II


Still not as much progress as I’d like :(

I Can't Escape: Darkness

I Can't Escape: Darkness

5.4 hours
10 of 12 achievements

Somewhat intriguing. Overall the game was well done and the way of providing story/background/etc was good, but also easy to miss some of it. I did find it somewhat repetitive though, and I doubt I'd have figured out how to get through it without a guide. Thankfully this game isn't grindy. If you're patient and enjoy dungeon crawlers then worth considering, if you pass on it though you're not missing an incredible time.

An SG win that I had abandoned. Finally beat it for Spooktober. Overall meh. Guess I’m not a fan of dungeon crawlers.



15.6 hours
10 of 12 achievements

Overall a really great horror game. This game has both jumpscares and an overall creepy atmosphere/story. There were a few parts where I got stuck or had to try over and over again to proceed without dying, but I think it still struck a reasonably good balance. The one thing I didn't really like was the ending. It's not that I disliked it so much as I found it unsatifying.


  • good graphics
  • great atmosphere
  • good story (if you collect the documents and notes)


  • the main characters loud breathing sometimes annoyed me
  • the ending could have been better (or at least less ambiguous)

I don’t recall where I got this. I think I may have bought it on Steam a few years ago. I had started it and forgotten it so I decided restart and beat it for Spooktober. Overall a very good horror game…

Outlast: Whistleblower DLC

Outlast: Whistleblower DLC

3.2 hours
7 of 8 achievements

No, just no.


  • way more difficult than the base game
  • way more gory than the base game
  • way more disturbing than the base game
  • much more difficult to hide/escape from enemies
  • you'll spend the majority of the game running from enemies, much less exploring, solving puzzles to advance, etc
  • 3 main enemies - the first 2 don't eventually die and the third's death is anticlimactic and not remotely satisfying
  • you spend most of the second half of the game crippled and walk/run really slowly


  • the ending is somewhat more satisfying

… the DLC, on the other hand, sucks.

Almost Finished

  • Advent Rising
    Advent Rising

    5.5 hours playtime

    no achievements

Coming Up Next

If I Don’t Get Too Distracted By

Arbiter Libera

Fact Advent Rising never got to be the original trilogy it was envisioned as is one of great injustices out there. For all the complaints about bugs it’s really nothing compared to what we let slide today in “games as service” nonsense era. Also, that soundtrack.


Interesting, I didn’t know it was supposed to be a trilogy. It makes sense though, given where the story has gone. I’m right at the post-credits boss battle (which I almost missed entirely). It’s too bad it never got there. Any idea why? If it was the reception of this game I’d guess the awful controls were to blame. They’re easily the worst part of the game. I honestly hadn’t noticed the soundtrack while playing the game, but listening to it now it is absolutely awesome.

I 100% agree regarding bugs. I don’t get why it became acceptable to release games (or any software) with known bugs. For some reason companies would rather release on time with bugs than delay a little longer and do it right. It comes back to bite them again and again, but they never seem to learn.


And now that I’ve beaten it, a trilogy makes even more sense. It’s really a pity they never finished it.