
A Very Late June 2022 Progress Report

umm… I have an excuse?
So lightning struck the tree 10-13ft outside my doorway, kinda traveled down from the top, sorta exploded the tree in the middle, and then hit my house; and my PC, washing machine, and fish tank heater died. I had to get a new motherboard, processor, and other good stuff so I dropped it off at a repair service to fix it, BUT, I had to travel to Arkansas at 5am on the 1st and then I just got back 6 hours ago! Still nauseous from the plane; actually. I did attempt to sleep but cece09 said cj’s event was up so… that definitely didn’t happen. Also the tree is somehow fine!

Moving on, I failed my new years resolution of not buying more than I 100%, but since it literally wasn’t my fault I’m just gonna super casually add the missing games from last month to this month; ima be busy. Despite only beating 3 games, I did put 85.3 hours into Ni No Kuni 2 and beat that but it’s not completed yet (DLC) so I’m not counting it.

Games added to backlog: 7
Games 100%: 3

3.4 hours
Fantastic, beautiful, perfect.

A new life on your last breath, don’t you wish you could go back to the very beginning and start over? Sigmund Corp grants dying wishes, for a price. Sign the contract and on your deathbed two employees will arrive to grant your stated desire; in this case, Senior memory travel agent Dr. Eva Rosaline and Technician specialist Dr. Neil Watts for patient Johnny – his wish? Go to the moon.

To the Moon is a beautiful game that’s a bit tragic, I played Finding Paradise first so I had fairly high expectations going into this and it absolutely did not disappoint. 3+ hours to complete, a fantastic and incredibly well written story backed up by its well-deserved overwhelmingly positive reviews.

Half-Life 2
Fun game, but the controls for keyboard are terrible!

Katamari Damacy REROLL

13.1 hours
21 of 21 achievements

Katamari Damacy REROLL, a 4-30 hour colorful and quirky game where you roll up objects to restore the stars in the sky. Levels are around 10 min each and the game can be completed very quickly, start from rolling up small household items, to entire towns. Create constellations, occasionally collect gifts from the king, and explore and discover new things in the world.

Warning for keyboard players, this is a lazy port and getting started is difficult enough to put you off from playing. You can skip the tutorial, which I recommend you do immediately upon starting, and then go talk to the giant bird on your planet to re-bind the keyboard to WASD so the game is actually playable.

Half-Life 2
A surprisingly in-depth and interesting story with broken English.

Flood of Light

7.9 hours
50 of 50 achievements

Play as W-02, a small girl left behind in a flooded and forsaken Hope city. Waking up in unusual circumstances with an interesting power to control and move electricity, collect wisps, repair the decommissioned robots, re-power the cities cores, and light the lanterns. Find the truth of what happened that left you alone abandoned in this lost city; and go home.

I loved Flood of Light! It’s an extremely cute game with a curious story with some rather creative and fun puzzles with a couple flaws; The text is mostly broken English and there is a fair amount of spelling errors, but the art, graphics, music, and puzzles more than make up for it. 4+ hours to complete, for the low price, it’s absolutely worth picking up and a great gift to send to a friend. Consider picking up the soundtrack as well!


Yeah I’m sure so much of that unlucky stuff happened to you. This isn’t reddit, you cant get karma buddy
I do like how the tree was okay though while everything you owned all died. Maybe the tree attempted to reflect the damage back up to the sky but it aimed towards you by mistake

Wait I read further XD Don’t be blaming me


My dryer is fine!!! I don’t blame the tree, I’m thankful the lightning went through it and insulated it a bit before hitting my house though, I imagine that toned down the damage a good bit. It did happen! I have photo evidence!


Out of the all the things to survive a dryer. To bad it wasn’t your computer

Charles Nonsens

If this happened a year ago everyone would have been going “IS YOUR GPU OK?” Hopefully those days are over.
You didn’t mention anybody getting hurt - not even the fish - so that’s my main takeaway. Still, bummer about all your stuff…


Eh, I have emergency funds saved up and as long as I don’t tell insurance my washer died because of a lightning strike - They don’t cover “acts of god.” - I’m good. Fish is fine, new heater and everything.


My goodness, you had some bad luck lol. Hope everything is better for you now! At least you got to play To The Moon, which I agree is a great game!


Excited to see you! Yes, luck was terrible but that’s what emergency savings are for! Everything was repaired and I got a shiny (basically new since I had to replace a bunch of stuff) pc! I’m just happy the graphics card was ok, those are hella pricy rn.
To the Moon was really good! I’m thinking about picking up Imposter Factory by the save developer during the winter sale, I’ve loved Finding Paradise too so I have high expectations of it!


Nice to see you too and I’m glad everything worked out! Congrats on the new pc!