
18th January 2021

2020 Wrap up

Hey hey hey people,
Here are the reviews and below, summary of my 2020 gaming and plans for 2021. This year already started horribly but I hope things will improve soon… But whatever

17.1 hours
RATING - 7/10
Played on Steam

02 – A New Day
05 – Live Station
09 – End of the Road

Weird game. I think this game won’t give you a lot of answers as to what’s happening or what a lot of NPCs talk about unless you read one specific book by Strugacki brothers. And the game only references these two late in-game, there’s no mention of them on store page or anywhere else. I wasn’t really sure what was going on until I reached one city with a giant statue of Strugacki and then it kinda clicked with me that this set in a world of “Roadside Picnic”, at least that’s my interpretation, keep in mind I only read 3 books by them, one of them being Roadside Picnic. But it fits in my mind. What happens here is there is a second visitation but this time it’s gonna wipe out humanity.

The game starts with your guy fully equipped, quickly teaching you all mechanics of surviving outside the train and making you jump into a hole filled with so many enemies it’s impossible to survive. You wake up. Ahh, just another sunny day, time to go to work. We play as a train driver and we are assigned to a new, experimental locomotive. With us is a co-worker and your first passenger in the game. This is an element of game that I really like but I feel is really underdeveloped :( As you travel through the country in your locomotive, you’ll meet survivors and they’ll join you on train if you talk to them. Moving between cities and other locations, you will need to maintain your train which means doing small mini-games. If something that requires your attention happens in passengers cart, you’ll get to hear the people you took discuss recent events, their theories, learn a bit about the story that way. Unfortunately if you leave passenger cart you can’t see what they’re saying. This is on purpose I guess, the devs aren’t very open about the story as you may have guessed from the beginning.

Passengers require your attention too. They’ll get hungry and if they start starving, they’ll lose health. You’ll also pick up few passengers in bad health and they will constantly need medkits, luckily you can craft those on your train, you can also craft ammo for your pistol and shotgun. Food on other hand, you need to look for it when scavenging and for cash and crafting materials. You get to spend cash in some of the cities that are still safe to buy medkits, food, ammo, upgrades for your guns. Upgrades are barely helpful, like I bought laser pointer for my pistol but it’s barely visible during the day and it was useless like half of time. In those cities you also drop off the passengers and you get rewards for every passenger, some give you cash, some ammo & cash, one got me an upgrade for my shotgun and some ammo. It’s the only reason to keep them alive because otherwise they’re just leeching supplies. I really wish there was more to this system, like maybe let us take them on scavenging, turn the train into a more complex hub? You even get information what profession someone had but it doesn’t matter in the end, it feels to me like devs had same idea but maybe no time to do it?

Scavenging happens between all that and as I mentioned, you need to look for food, medkits and money. Also, everytime you arrive to new location you are locked in and need a code to unlock your train, so you can’t leave until you find it. Codes are usually located somewhere at the end of level. Usually you go left or right and return to direction you arrived from, but the game makes you take path underground, so you don’t see the same stuff.

Enemies are zombified humans, very basic and they all have a single attack. Standard enemy is slow and you can outrun them, sometimes you’ll meet zombified police or soldier, they have riot helmets that need to be knocked off and then you can shoot them, they’re the only enemy variant that can’t be killed with melee. Zombified children are very fast and I think they hit you harder. Big guys are slightly tougher, but that’s it. Last one is a standard zombie on fire, but if you hit it, it starts to run really fast and explodes after few seconds. Weirdly the DLC adds two types of enemies that are not present here, even though DLC happens at almost exactly same time as main game. And btw, except the zombies in riot gear, you can pretty much stun-lock any enemy by using melee, it’s possible to finish almost every level with never firing a single bullet (there’s an achievement for finishing one). Even the riot gear zombie can be killed without bullets, but you need an object to throw at them, sometimes you find TV’s etc to throw, there also explosive barrels, but obviously don’t stand too close to enemy when you throw them.

I really like atmosphere in this game, soundtrack really sells it. There are also strange things happening, weird visions and characters, the ending is very strange too. Simplistic gameplay and underdeveloped passenger system drag it down though :( I think this could have been so much better!

The Final Station - The Only Traitor

The Final Station - The Only Traitor DLC

1 hours
23 of 23 achievements

01 – Gridlines
22 - Dead End

This is 1 hour long if you beat it once and ignore the achievements mind you. I spent like 10 hours on this DLC to 100%. That’s because in this DLC, we drive a car between scavenging and you only have one passenger and you will meet a lot of different survivors but can always take one with you. To 100% you need to reach last level with each survivor and once completely alone. My rating is also based on just one playthrough. If you are about to play it, I recommend this guide to save yourself some time.

We play as seemingly another survivor we met in base game, but our guy was little paranoid and expected another visitation. We have a sports car in a good condition, we just need to gather food, water and medkit from our apartment block and ready to go. You only have a baseball bat and find a gun later on (it’s revealed in base game via passenger that guns were banned nation-wide, hence our paranoid guy only has a baseball bat). Scavenging is almost identical, but this time you cannot leave until you find bottled water, food and a medkit. But on some levels they are found pretty early on, on some you need to traverse like 90% of the level. You only get to spend your money at two spots and you can only buy more medkits or ammo, no weapon upgrades this time. Also your passenger is responsible for crafting and when you find someone you get information about their crafting and healing skills. Yeah they can also heal you while traveling so you save a medkit. Depending on their skill, it can be 20hp to a whooping 80hp, almost a full heal.

Each passenger gives you some information, more or less useful. So if you want to find out about story as much as possible, you will want to play it with having every passenger at least once. But prepare for boredom because you will see same level +10 times. I would recommend a youtube video instead if you don’t care about achievements.

You will find out a little more about story and the world regardless of what passenger you find. It answers some small questions, but I think it also raises more than it answers. And you will only find out about why “The Only Traitor” is a traitor if you take a specific passenger who seems to have some inside information.

There are two more enemy types never seen in base game. One that spits green goo at you, has no melee attack so will run away from you if you get close and if you time it, you can block his spit with your baseball swing. Another one that seems to have a small head, big body but once you hit him he enlarges and attacks really fast. I also feel like they changed something and you cannot stun-lock enemies so easily as in base game, I would sometimes die because they somehow broke from it. Oh and now there are human enemies too! They are members of some cult that was sometimes mentioned in base game but we never saw them, but turns out they play a pretty big role in all of this.

Ok DLC, but achievement hunters prepare some podcasts or albums to listen while you 100% this.

Half-Life 2

Stories Untold

2.7 hours
13 of 13 achievements

A short, episodic genre mashup that was the biggest surprise in this batch.

“Stories Untold” consists of 4 episodes, at first seemingly unrelated, and each plays very differently. In the first episode you play a text adventure game similar to something like Zork. Second stars you in some kind of experiment, where a scientist tells you what to do via speaker and you have to look up manual on the terminal to fulfil his instructions. Third episode, my favorite, again puts in you in a desk in front of a terminal in some kind of arctic station. You are again given instructions via speaker but this time you’re putting on coordinates into the terminal. The last episode combines all previous episodes to reveal how all of it is connected and what’s the story about.

Sounds kinda boring huh, just sitting and staring at terminals? But this game has great atmosphere, some genuinely spooky moments. The first episode Is set what looks like an abandoned house and in the adventure game you visit an old family house. Second has some kind of alien artifact and later on it turns into text adventure again but this time it’s not really a game. Episode 3 has you typing coordinates for perhaps? maybe? nuclear strikes, there is something or someone outside and you crew mates in other stations start to disappear one by one. It seems to pull a little from different horror/thriller genres. Spooky houses, aliens, secret military facilities, but the true meaning behind it is just a sad human story. I enjoyed this one quite a lot despite simple gameplay.

Half-Life 2


3.0 hours
no achievements

Easily the worst game I played this year. This “comedic” adventure is an unoptimized garbage walking sim with very simple puzzles thrown for the player to do something else than constantly walking.

I don’t have the newest PC but I am close to recommended specs and way above the minimum. Yet everytime the game took me outside, it was impossible to have 60fps even on minimum settings. It’s not as bad when It takes you underground, there I could switch to high settings and have it run decently for the most part. It also launches very slowly, I had it installed on my SSD and yet it takes 12-15 seconds before I got to main menu, this is IMO pretty slow for an SSD, comparing it to Destiny 2 or CS:GO where they take 5-7 seconds for me to launch.

The gameplay – you walk, you sometimes listen to characters or watch cutscenes that progress the story and sometimes a game throws a simple puzzle at you. The puzzles don’t make the most sense (it’s part of the humor, you see!) but they generally require you to find some items that are near you.

Gameplay is very simple and this game is all about the humor and the setting. As you can guess, I hated it, the only satisfaction I got was from ending because it was finally over and something funny actually happened, but I won’t spoil it. I highly recommend you find some no commentary gameplay or let’s play on YT, watch the first 20-30 minutes and decide if you like this type of humor. I hated it. But someone on my friend list reviewed it and gave it 10/10 and said this is the most hilarious game they have played and it has very positive reviews on steam, so you really have to see for yourself if this is your type of game.

Plus for being short.


Half-Life 2

Project Warlock

7.6 hours
20 of 20 achievements

Decent boomer shooter. Though I had slightly higher expectations.

This game is a love letter to old FPS-es like Heretic, Hexen, Blood, DOOM etc. There are plenty references to each game mentioned and more, from weapons to enemies and so on. There are good references to movies and books too, like Antarctica level that has enemies from H.P. Lovecraft “In the mountains of madness” and one enemy that’s similar to alien from John Carpenter’s “The Thing”.

Game is split into 5 worlds, each different thematically and enemy wise. Enemies generally serve one role and you’re supposed to prioritize which to kill first but I find that even on hard difficulty (my first playthrough) it didn’t really matter. You want to kill enemies that charge at you first and then it didn’t matter. There are no hit-scan enemies here except the industrial level if I remember correctly, so just focus on moving around and shooting and you’ll be good.

Even on hard difficulty game starts to be pretty easy somewhere near the end of 2nd world. At least to me, if you pick a certain perk, which gives you HP boost and reduces all dmg received by 30%, it’s pretty difficult to die. And it seems like a very good idea to get it, since the game is actually hard at start. I had to be really good with dodging and keeping enemies at bay, because it was easy to die. But you level, get more points in HP and that one perk and it really changes.

D: They crucified Duke!

I do like the weapons and various upgrades that are available. There are over 12 weapons or so, and each can be upgraded once and you get two choices. For most it’s either “change its look and make it more powerful” or change it into something else. So for example you can turn pistol into either a magnum gun or a flare gun (like Caleb from Blood). Turn your uzi into akimbo uzi’s (Lo-Wang style) or into a nail-gun and the nails can ricochet of the walls. Change your axe into a bloodthirsty axe that heals you slightly when you kill something or soulstealer that gives you mana. Oh and speaking about mana, you can have spells that do various things, do massive damage, give defense boost, freeze enemies etc. The problem is you only start with a weak spell that gives you a magic torch for dark areas (but it’s useless, since everything is pretty well lit) and you only start getting interesting spells somewhere in 3nd world. And to add to that, you use upgrade points to unlock them after you find a spellbook, but you also need upgrade points for weapons. And so early in the game you have just two spells that don’t do much and I ask myself what’s the point in getting them. Later on you get better weapons and when finally some interesting and more expensive spells are on the table, I had dilemma whether to go for weapons or spells and I went all in on weapons. Was it a good choice? Well after I beated the game, I played around with them after enabling cheats and 2-3 of them are really fun and useful, the rest not so much. I would probably go for weapons again and 2 spells if I had to play again. So that whole system feels like a wasted opportunity to me.

Soundtrack is pretty good. It’s free on steam and it has OVER 100 TRACKS! Achievements are easy for most part, using cheats actually doesn’t block you from getting them, so you can easily get anything you missed on first run. Level design is ok, nothing spectacular. There’s some typical stuff happening from the era this game copies. E.g. there’s a pickup in middle with lots of pillars, you pick it up, pillars descend with enemies inside. If you never played these old FPSes you’ll learn pretty quickly where to expect a trap. There are key cards to be found and several buttons to press to progress further. And secrets, tons of secrets! If you just stick to walls and keep mashing “Use” key you’ll find like 90% of them. You can also see if there is a secret behind, walls with secrets have a slightly different look to them, different on every world.

Game is horribly optimized or something else is going on. For a pixel art game I had to set almost everything to low to get +60 FPS. Also if you watch the clip, it doesn’t look very smooth, like there are mini-stutters every now and then. That’s how it plays sometimes, especially on later levels it loved to do that, I don’t know why. Looking at steam discussion it seems a lot of people experience that and more often than me.

But in the end I enjoyed the game. It’s a good game but never goes beyond that. It often got me into the zone where I just mindlessly pushed forward, dodging and shooting and I like this type of experience. It was smooth for most time and problem less. I think I only got stuck two times.

Half-Life 2


11.2 hours
24 of 24 achievements

A second game by Mike Bithell, the mind behind “Thomas Was Alone”. This is a pretty big switch from his last game. For a start, we’re no longer in 2D, we are now playing in 3D! Secondly this isn’t a heartwarming story about overcoming obstacles and self-acceptance, but a stealth game set in a corrupted and fascist England.

The monarchy and the government are in pocket of one rich guy with kingly ambitions, everyone is corrupt and everything seems hopeless. This is where our guy steps in, a hacker who only has 2 hours or so left before police track him down. Using some kind of VR setup, we hack into various locations and steal information or currency? I’m not entirely what exactly I saw this whole time, but as you can tell by the rating, this game is quite enjoyable.

There are over 100 levels and half dozen gadgets to play with. When starting a level you don’t start with gadgets, you find them and each level is built with that gadgets in mind and you can always hold one. If a situation requires a different gadget, it’s always nearby waiting for you, so you always have the right tools in hand and it’s up to you to do things right.

There are also different type of enemies to deal with. Since this is a stealth game, you will obviously try to avoid them and the most damage you can do to them is stun them for few seconds with one gadget. Each type of enemy has its own vision cone and range. The basic enemy has a short cone around 45 degrees wide and runs as fast as you, so you can’t outrun it. Sniper can see ridiculously far but their vision is very very narrow and they move slow. If you get caught you have few seconds to save yourself, like I do in clip below.

When new gadget, enemy or mechanic is introduced it’s either in a safe environment or it’s filled with enemies/gadgets and/or familiar layout so you it’s something you know with that new element stacked on top of it. Gadgets include stuff like mimic, blackjack to stun enemies, something you throw and it makes a noise when you press LMB, disguise. You can also whistle at any moment to get enemy attention, it has small range but they can hear it through walls. Generally I found it to be pretty easy to learn and the whole game didn’t give me a lot of trouble. There was ONE level I wish I wrote down its name, but the ending was so utterly broken and frustrating I almost closed the game.

I went through 95% of the game with ease and it was fun stealth/puzzle game. Difficulty curve is great, level design is pretty good and every now and then they throw a little more challenging level at you but nothing too hard. Soundtrack is very good too, sometimes too dramatic or orchestral for a game like this in my opinion, but great nonetheless (I wanted to put some tracks at top, but there’s only one video on YT without timestamps and for some reason the creator doesn’t have it listed on his bandcamp, so no samples sorry :/). I mentioned at start our hero has 2 hours before he is found, when inside simulation the time runs slower in real world, so the 2 hours is just for story, there is no time limit on the levels or anything like that. There are par times and leaderboards, if you’re into that.

Half-Life 2


8.6 hours
17 of 17 achievements

02 – Gris, pt. 1
15 – Karasu
25 – Gris, pt. 2

Very pretty platformer! The whole game is visually almost stunning, everything seems hand-drawn yet all animations are very fluid for most of time, it reminds me of Hollow Knight in this regard (apart from cutscenes, they play more like standard animations in ~30 fps). Soundtrack is very beautiful too, something I’ll definitely grab later :)

GRIS is a story of depression and coping of losing someone very close to you. One might even describe it as a video game form of “5 stages of grief”, as game hints at that with its achievement descriptions, but I’m not sure if it fits, some stages in game definitively give me that feel like the desert level for “denial” or underwater level for “depression” but forest level doesn’t fit at all.

As you progress in the game you gain new abilities, you start with just basic movement and jump. First you learn to transform your coat into a cube that protects you from desert storm but later the game shows you that you can use it to break weak floors or weight objects down. Though this is the only ability that I found to have such a wide range of use, later you get double jump but well, It’s just a jump. Late game you learn to sing to bring life back around you, but this has singular use too. Basically it’s a pretty simple platformer, puzzles are present and they’re not too hard.

Still I liked it, presentation is great and carries this game a lot. It has a lot of cool and small moments, like a forest friend you meet and help him grow or these little sentient rocks on tiny legs in desert level. Later levels have a gimmick where gravity changes when you cross a certain line, I liked that too. I think this game relies heavily on emotional response and since I personally never lost someone this close to me like the heroine, I can’t fully relate.

Half-Life 2


6.3 hours
23 of 23 achievements

Debut game of Danish indie studio. A game heavily inspired by Portal 1 & 2 and the devs aren’t shy about it, thanking Valve and main writers of Portal 2 in credits, and the game’s equivalent of Cave Johnson even jokes how terrible Aperture Science is.

But the twist here is instead of portals, we use lights. Some experiment has gone wrong and shadows can dematerialize any living being. You just happened to be on a tourist tour in facility when the entire underground facility was shaken and quickly evacuated and you missed the last train. So now stuck here, you are guided by the CEO of Lightmatter company who only helps because he wants to fix the whole mess and thinks you will only cause trouble. If he already sounds mean, he is and will really start hating you over time as he starts to think you’re someone, that I’m not sure if we actually are or if he made it up? Anyway he is an asshole. Another element borrowed from Portal 2 where you’ll have a voice constantly patronizing you, but I found GlaDOS to be kinda funny despite insulting you over time, whereas this guy not so much. GlaDOS also had a backstory and she has a human side to her in Portal 2, here this guy has almost no redemption.

Back to lights – to stay alive you need to be constantly in light. If you stand in shadow for just a second it will kill you. You don’t have any flashlight or torch, but there are limited number of lamps that you can move around. Later on you’ll find lamps that are powered by crystals and as long as they have a line of sight with another lamp like this or a huge crystal that powers them, they’ll give a small light around and the beam that connects to other lamps/crystals gives light too, so they create a path for you.

Most puzzles are pretty clever and some of them made me feel dumb, but I think the difficulty curve was weird sometimes. There were puzzles that I had no problems with, then something much harder, then again it would sometimes jump to hard, back to easy. There was one chapter, or maybe two, where the harder puzzles were at the beginning, easier in middle and ending with something again hard. But your experience may differ, maybe I’m just dumb in a different way.

This game is GORGEUS! I love how this game looks, it’s really beautiful and I would often stop and just look around at pretty environments. Everything that’s cowered in shadows has this nice, greyish outline and all light sources cast this pleasant white light. For a game all about dark & light they really nailed the look of it.

I wish it had better story and characters. Better difficulty curve and puzzles would be plus too. They are very open about Portal 2 as their inspiration but unfortunately it is nowhere as good. But whether you’re undecided, interested or not interested, there’s a free demo you can try.

2020 Balance - Have I made progress this year?

I beated more games this year than last but I also added so much more LMAO. See for yourself below.

MARCH -1 +31
APRIL -1 +23
MAY -1 +40
JUNE -2 +55
JULY -5 +41
AUGUST -4 +3
OCTOBER -1 +35
TOTAL -28 +349



Here’s hoping this year every month will be like August for games added and like November for games beaten.

Alright but now onto more positive things

Top 5 games I played in 2020

5. Hotline Miami

17.4 hours, 35 of 35 achievements

Another known indie I finally catched up to. Fun, fast, brutal game that’s also difficult. FULL REVIEW

4. 11-11 Memories Retold

13.8 hours, 50 of 50 achievements

Beautiful story-adventure set in WWI with fictional protagonists, focused on telling the story rather than teaching you about WWI. FULL REVIEW

3. Dishonored 2

28.9 hours, 28 of 50 achievements

Excellent sequel, improves every aspect of the original. FULL REVIEW

2. Turok 2: Seeds of Evil

13.9 hours, 14 of 14 achievements

Biggest surprise of the year. Like D2, it improves almost every aspect of the first Turok game and is insanely fun to play. Best boomer shooter I played in a long time. FULL REVIEW

1. Black Mesa

43.1 hours, 50 of 50 achievements

Absolutely amazing what Crowbar Collective pulled here. A modern re-make of original Half-life 1 on the latest version of Source (1) engine, with blessing from Valve themselves. A re-make fits the part of game happening on Earth, but Xen got greatly expanded and re-imagined into something stunning and Half-Life 1 finally got a proper final boss fight. And that’s based on older version of the game :) They polished it even more and turned into Definitive Edition, which I haven’t played yet. FULL REVIEW


This year I decided to make a list of games I want to play. Here they are and short explanation why:

Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition because it’s an expensive whitelist SG win and I feel like I owe it to creator to give it a try

Borderlands 2 because I promised my friend some time ago we’ll play it. It’s also supposed to be much better than first game, I hope it is.

Noita and Celeste both gifts from a long time friend who I had falling out near end of 2020. I was hyped for Noita and I would get it during winter sale anyway. Celeste because I feel like it’s gonna be a closing of sort.

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition because it’s so well known and witcher series are almost a national treasure, so its time I give it a try. Who knows maybe I’ll play second game this year too

DUSK because its a gift from my BLAEO secret santa :) Thank you again Leo!

Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen because it’s a series that is often recommended by one gaming “journalist” that I have some respect for. It looks good too. And it gets its own anime, this year I think?

Into the Breach because I feel like it’s something I want to play. That’s it!

The Walking Dead because I bought The Final Season this winter sale and it’s time I finish this story. I still have my old saves from first and second season, but I think I’ll replay them. It’s been almost a decade since I played first game and I am a different person then I was back then, I might make radically different choices in both seasons.

Yakuza because Yakuza games look hilarious and I feel it’s a series I will really enjoy. Perfect time too since remastered collection is coming to PC this year. Still no steam page though, I hope it won’t be Epic exclusive :/

Samorost 2 and Samorost 3 last minute addition. I was talking with a friend about adventure games and I actually never played any Amanita Design games and I have few others in library and on wishlist. They’re short too - Samorost 1 is a browser game that’s 10 minute long. Samorost 2 is just one hour long. Samorost 3 is few hours long.
That’s a pretty decent list I would say! Even if I don’t beat more than this, at least I’ll knock off a few big ones.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far :)


Oh my, you sure added a few games. But well done on beating 28 games! \o/

Sadly I didn’t have my savegames from TwD anymore, but I tried to stick to the way I remembered playing it. I hope it worked out. I should maybe replay the lot, but… when?!?
Enjoy it! \o/
Also the rest ofc, looks like a nice list :3

Have a great year!
Happy gaming \o/


I wonder if I’m gonna like Kenny so much and save him like I did last time.
Thanks and have a Great year too! :)


That’s always a legit question grimacing


Well, the backlog is a fierce adversary but at least you beated more games than last year. Great selection for 2021, good luck :) I hope you enjoy the last season of TWD, I did like it and thought it was an improvement compared to the “middle” seasons.


By middle seasons do you mean S2 and New Frontier? I liked S2 but it already felt like a downgrade from S1 imo. Heard mixed opinions about New Frontier too


Yeah i felt like S1 was the best, S2 was ok but a bit under, same for new frontier (okayish but under S2) and then I felt the final one wrapped it up very nicely. Not the best overall, but it bring a nice conclusion to the overall saga. I haven’t played Michonne’s story yet.


You did a great job and played some great games! I have to catch up on Hotline Miami some day too.


Thank you!
Ya, Hotline Miami is not a game you want to miss ;)


First, nice post! You gave me a couple of ideas for a better progress tracking. Next, congrats for the finished 28 games, it’s not a bad score. Fighting backlog it’s a matter of constancy (and time of course), so keep fighting! Last, good selection for the 2021, I probably will play Walking Dead and Yakuza too. Greetings!


Thank you!
If it’s your first time playing The Walking Dead games I’m little jealous, because season 1 is excellent and at time was very emotional to me.
And for this year tbh I’m just hoping to beat the games from list and overall more in this year than in 2020.


I’ve played a few months ago the 2 first seasons, after several years, and I changed some choices, because I’m older and have a different perspective, similar as you express in the post, and enjoyed them like the 1st day, or even more, specially season 1. It still being one of the best on its genre and the best Walking Dead game.