
The Church in the Darkness is done and dusted-ish. I’ve completed the game five times and can pretty much run through each playthrough in around a half hour or so at this point if I want to. Although that isn’t collecting loot and help and clues and such. Each playthrough is really designed to be more along the lines of an hour to an hour and a half. There are a few different preacher personality types that will impact each run, and then how you specifically handle each run will also impact each ending, of which there are 19.

The constant commentary and nuances from the preachers and from the NPC’s is excellent. The songs are perfect for the setting. Graphics are a little dated, but also work perfectly for this game.

All in all, I’ve had fun with this, stealth type roguelike-lite isometric game and will probably make at least one more full run to find the final NPC available to encounter (non player characters unlock as you close out endings), but other than that, I’m calling it good. Well worth the asking price in my estimation as well.

The First Tree is also done and dusted. Pretty much a walking sim with emotional voice acting, beautiful graphics, a nice soundtrack, and some simple platforming here and there. Enjoyable couple hours.

A Short Hike is also also done and dusted. A pleasant little adventure with some platforming and a generally nice environment to walk and fly around. Plenty of side activities on top of the main story.

Not really sure what’s next. Maybe a bit of cleanup on games I’m halfway or more into.

ASH OF WAR has been retired. Just an unfun, un….ummm….good game. Really, tedious, not fun, poorly designed, exceptionally poorly written and acted, terrible gameplay. I definitely expected this to be more on par with 11-11 Memories, if not something like Valiant Hearts, but actually, it comes nowhere close to that.