
Second week of March

Woooo I get to work from home for the next 4 weeks which means I have a tiny bit more time to play games \o/ Tho to be fair so far I used the extra time to work on non gaming related aspects of my life.

Completed games

Garfield Kart
Playtime: 1.1 hours
Achievements: 0 of 0
Review: It is a game I really wished it would be good but it just isn't and it also runs like shit with Proton.
Bayla Bunny
Playtime: 2.3 hours
Achievements: 0 of 0</a>
Review: A really bad platformer game with awful controls. Works fine with Proton.
Dr. Cares - Pet Rescue 911
Playtime: 10.7 hours
Achievements: 21 of 21 (100%)
Review: It is an OK time management game but it does get pretty boring after a while of doing the same thing over and over and the game is not very challenging. Works without issues with Proton.

Stay save and also play some game. You probably earned it :)


You too :)


I really don’t get how Garfield Kart can be sitting at “very positive” on steam…. I’ve played it, and yeah, it’s not great


People thinking it is funny to give a bad game a positive review, thats how >.< one of them is literally a recipe for some food (not sure what, they didn’t say on top and I was not worth my attention to figure it out).


It’s a recipe for lasagna, which makes sense, considering it’s a Garfield game :P


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats actually quite clever (ignoring that it is a positive review) :D