
Second week of January

Uhhhhh, its not a NSFW game, really, I promise.

Completed games

Hentai Nazi
Playtime: 2.4 hours
Achievements: 7 of 7 (100%)
Review: Uhhhh... The game has nothing at all to do with hentai, but you are killing Nazis so the the title is 50% correct? Other that that I will just say that in my defense a friend thought it was a good idea to give me this for my birthday and it works fine with Proton.

You might need new friends…just saying. I thought you were done with trash games XD
Or is that only for streaming?


Nah, that was just Nuts being Nuts.
I wont be streaming trash games.


of course it was Nuts…


Um, happy late birthday! :)


Thank you! :)