Robinson Crusoe and the Cursed Pirates
  • Robinson Crusoe and the Cursed Pirates
    Robinson Crusoe and the Cursed Pirates

    5 hours playtime

    no achievements

Surprisingly good, nice variety of minigames, good twist in the hidden object model by the end, short and cheerful songs go along very well whit the game in general and the highest difficulty has a time limit to solve every scene, an excellent adition to the mix.


Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch
  • Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch
    Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch

    5 hours playtime

    no achievements

This one didn’t aged well, i had good expectations after the little cameos from Samantha in Angelica Weaver: Catch me when you can, but using irreal sizes for many objects ruins the experience, there is also a lot of nonsese happening there even for a HOG; the only mistery this characters can’t solve in 3 seconds, conecting ridicoluos clues, is the whereabouts of Sam’s father.
Hope to find some improvement in the next Samantha game and waiting to enjoy the other one of Robinson Crusoe that i have.

Happy gaming