
March overview

I know its April already but was waaaaay to tired last night to write a report and chilled with some jigsaws for a bit (5 + 1 that is 98% done left to go) and then went to bed. As for the games 5 done, one of which a long one that has been started last year but I have now finally put it to rest.

Weekly Posts

First week of March progress
Second week of March progress
Third week of March progress
Fourth week of March progress

Completed SG wins

  • Gridberd

    3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Sky Jump

    36 minutes playtime

    998 of 998 achievements


    13 minutes playtime

    no achievements

Other completed games


    49 hours playtime

    100 of 100 achievements

  • Lost Grimoires 2: Shard of Mystery

    3 hours playtime

    12 of 12 achievements

Additional statistics

Total number of beaten SG wins in March: 3
Total number of beaten games in March: 5
Total number of games won on SG in March: 9
Total number of acquired games in March: 10
Percentage of beaten SG wins: 41% (+0% since last month)
Percentage of beaten games: 36% (+0% since last month)


5 games completed and 19 aquired… Your poor backlog


Nope, only 10 acquired (9 out of the 10 games where SG wins, not 9 SG wins + 10 other games). Still poor backlog :(


Well it does make it slightly better though you know he is still crying, right 🤪