
October report


  • Tell Me Why

    9 hours playtime

    20 of 30 achievements

  • The Jackbox Party Pack 4

    5 hours playtime

    2 of 20 achievements

  • Tools Up!

    3 hours playtime

    23 of 64 achievements


  • Age of Empires IV

    3 hours playtime

    6 of 89 achievements

  • Deep Rock Galactic

    110 hours playtime

    47 of 69 achievements

  • Moving Out

    51 minutes playtime

    2 of 38 achievements

Games/DLCs added to my Steam library:



Hmm how’s AoE IV?


As good as the previous AoE games, I’d say! I prefer turn based games like Civ because I can’t manage as much multitasking as AoE wants from me, but it’s objectively reeeaally good at what it’s trying to achieve.


Congratulations on all of your assassinations! also on somehow not managing to add anything to your backlog, a legend.


Thanks! And don’t worry, I more than managed to make up for it by buying Forza 5 this month. :)