    Always The Same Blue Sky...

    Always The Same Blue Sky...

    40 minutes playtime

    This was a… decent VN? It wasn’t bad, but at the same time, ask me about it tomorrow and I may remember none of it. I feel like my biggest issues were the fact that, other than deciding the ending, it felt like the choices didn’t matter - they had the same outcome. Even the endings seemed to have the same outcome. The only difference was if you died or not - either way, she wound up in love with you no matter the fact that the bad ending involves literally pushing her away at every chance?

    I’d say it’s something that may be worth playing if you have it, but not worth going out to buy. Also, I don’t really get the title, or the wing symbol in it, as it has to do with the sea more than anything, but maybe I’m just…. dumb.