
Log #11

19% (102/528)
3% (17/528)
22% (115/528)
55% (288/528)
1% (6/528)

Backlog growth: +25
This was definitely the most unproductive month backlog-wise. I have too much group work for uni, which is very time- and joie de vivre-consuming and I didn’t have much motivation to start with a new game. So I only really managed to beat Tomb Raider and I probably won’t go for completing all the achievements, since most of the ones that are left are pertaining to the dead multi-player :/ But I had a lot of fun playing, so much in fact that I picked the following game up during the sale. Futhermore I completed Wordle again, as achievements have been added. And I finally collected all missing achievements aka pictures in Life is Strange. That’s it.

…And I just realized I dropped below 20% completion again :’(