
One Finger Death Punch

19.1 hours, 84 of 152 achievements

"Can be played one handed, 10/10"

Jokes aside, the game is simple but great.
Attack with direction buttons, attack range is shown, you can pick up different types of weapons to use them. There are QTE-y like brawlers that take multiple, unique combos to take down, but still can be one-hit killed with certain weapons which feels awesome.

It also should be mentioned: the game progressively gets harder by enemy design, and has a "floor" difficulty of 100%. No matter how many times you die at 100%, the difficulty can't and won't decrease. The game is not super hard, but definitely challenging and tense. Keep that in mind when considering a purchase.

The game takes place over an - IMO a bit unnecessarily - big map. The game claims to have more than 250 levels and that is very likely true - there are insane amounts of stages, the game gets quite samey by the end. The scaling challenge which is based on player performance helps a lot to keep the player on their toes, so there is no real downtime. So it does not feel stretched, just long; many of the sameish thing.

Though on the aforementioned map there are I think 11? types of levels, not counting the boss levels. They are mostly unique - while there are spins on the same thing ( beat down X, beat down enemies to knock them into Y items, beat down Z in storm and W while using a filter) they still offer some relatively nuanced thing to them, making different skills useful.

The skills- you unlock them by beating certain levels, and then you are free to mix and match them, as you can use 3 at the same time. All skills are passive, but most has an active effect - while there are true passives that give longer weapon use time on pickup, most get charged up by getting kills, then being used along/instead of a normal attack. They work well and are useful, though if you really want to fight flawlessly, some skills can really mess up your rhythm unless you pay extreme attention - same can happen with one-shot kill weapons, like dagger, bow and bomb, killing a multihit enemy in a single strike, then hitting a miss where they stood.

Certain levels are surely harder than other by design, but I guess it depends on the player and their preferences too. The game is far from being impossible to beat, but with the scaling difficulty that is impossible to turn off, I think everyone can expect a quite consistent and unavoidable challenge.
(I hated the last bomb level, took 10+, maybe 20 times because I constantly messed up at two points. I feel like I needed to get this out of my system)