
The Typing of The Dead: Overkill

14.7 hours, 15 of 33 achievements
Typing good, shooting bad

On-rails arcade game, where you type in word and phrase prompts to kill zombies. 9 levels, with cutscenes about 5-6 hours long. There are additional DLCs for word packs, but the game supports custom dictionaries as well - add your own set of words, or import some from the workshop.

The story is grindhouse trash, the good kind. Samuel L Jackson levels of motherf**kers dropped, with weird, ugly, obscene, disgusting imaginary or all of them. Not counting the animation style, because that's also pretty horrible. But it works so, so well.
It's trash, but it's made to be a trash story of an imaginary 80s horror action flick with BBC (Badass Black Cop), the smoothtalking white newbie cop who goes by the book. A stripper who has personal motivation in the story, and obviously picks up a motorcycle, some big guns and a bad swearing habit and a sister-in-trouble whom we like for her looks, not her brains. All chasing the Big Evil Papa Caesar who is so evil that he doesn't even need a motivation at the start of the game.
It's like a mix of Pulp Fiction, Sin City, Planet Terror and Grindhouse. Pulpy, sweary, innuendo-y, but self-aware.

The sub-game House of the Dead is a classic rail-shooter that I can't really recommend. There are no settings in the game whatsoever, and it became clean in just minutes, how inaccurate and unwieldy the mouse controls are. One could play it with a controller as well, but I rather not try that. Some people mentioned lightgun support on the forums, if that is your jam, you may need to delve deep to find info, but for other than that niche, I don't recommend buying the game only for the "shooter" mode. (But check out Blue Estate, it's an excellent rail-shooter for mouse)


Hm, I can’t say that I had much issue with the controls for the shooter section. What is also somehow to remember is that the shooter section has longer levels which - among other stuff - also explains the missing section in the last level.

But yea, I love how the whole cursing in the game is just one huge set-up for one stupid comment at the end.