

  • fault - milestone two side:above

    13 hours playtime

    9 of 9 achievements

  • Hexcells

    4 hours playtime

    6 of 6 achievements

  • Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)

    18 hours playtime

    19 of 19 achievements

  • The Deed

    14 hours playtime

    17 of 17 achievements

  • The Walking Dead: Michonne

    8 hours playtime

    21 of 21 achievements

fault - milestone two side:above

Don’t remember much about this one other than that I liked it. Will replay the first two games before the third comes out (if it does).


A lovely puzzle game that’s very reminiscent of minesweeper. It takes minesweeper and builds upon it by adding some extra elements and rules (for example, some levels will have a number that represents the number of “bombs” (here it’s referred to as revealing a pattern instead of mines) or instead of just a number on the space you click showing the surrounding number of bombs, it’ll use dashes around the number to indicate whether those bombs are all connected (on consecutive spaces) or not. These are among many other new rules) with the later levels combining many of them to create more difficult and complex puzzles. And because all the levels are designed rather than randomly generated like in minesweeper, you never have to guess. Would definitely recommend this for anyone who’s played minesweeper or even anyone who just likes puzzles. After I beat it I resisted the urge to immediately play the next two games in the series so I could enjoy them another time.

Never Alone

I think I talked about this one before when I beat it. It’s an ok game for the first playthrough but gets boring when you have to replay levels to get the collectibles (owls) that you missed. I also started to notice more bugs, none of which I think were game-breaking but were definitely annoying. One thing I really liked was the cultural insight video you unlocked for each collectible. I plan to go back and watch all of them and recommend the same for anyone who’s played this and hasn’t given much attention to them.

The Deed

Pretty decent game that I enjoyed. Just gets a bit grindy to get all the achievements.

The Walking Dead: Michonne

I’m not too sure why some people hate on this game other than that it’s a miniseries (no Celementine) and that choices don’t matter as much as some would like (nothing new, it’s telltale). I enjoyed the story to an extent. I like that you can actually notice the difference in strength between Michonne and the other Walking Dead protagonists from the other games as you can cut down both living and dead more easily. As a result, and knowing that I was playing a miniseries where the choices that did matter wouldn’t carry on or have any consequences beyond this game, I definitely wasn’t tactful with my decisions and tended to choose the more violent route which was fun in its own regards. I recommend to play this if you own it as it’s an easy game to get out of your backlog (my time is a bit exaggerated as I left the game running while afk). I definitely recommend it to people who love the Walking Dead universe.


  • OneShot

    20 hours playtime

    9 of 11 achievements


I think this may be my most favorite game from the games I’ve beaten on Steam. Going to craft a badge, feature it on my profile and use the background. Will go into actual details about the game after I 100% it.


Alice in Dissonance is still posting updates about the third game in the series (though it will be a prequel). Hopefully this gives you some assurance that it will come out… at some point. :)


I heard about the prequel, but yeah maybe they plan to continue with the story after that or maybe the backstory of purple-hair (I think the presequel was about her) is important for the third game which is why they’re making that now.


Various health issues had kept delaying the third game, add to the fact that the game is quite ambitious in size for an indie team. They mentioned how they will start working on fm2s:b and future games as they won’t take as long as the third game to be released.


Could you guess at your actual playtime for Never Alone and The Deed? About how many of the Never Alone collectibles (insights) are easy to miss? And How Long To Beat lists The Deed as 2 hours for Completionist. Granted I always have to at least double HLTB times…


I spent a lot of time afk (holy shit just realized I have 14 hours in the dead) so it’s really hard to guess. The deed takes like 15-30 minutes for each playthrough and the whole premise is to murder your sister (you find this out in the intro) while not getting caught. For each murder you can use a different murder weapon and use one piece of evidence to incriminate someone from the house. Each murder weapon and each person framed is an achievement (including suicide and you being caught as the murderer). Now if you’re really good you can complete it in as few playthroughs as possible by framing a new person and using a new murder weapon in each playthrough. But it’s very likely that you mess up and get caught yourself (especially when you’re trying to speed through a playthrough and end up choosing a dialogue option that can be used against you later) or even frame someone you didn’t intend to. So keeping this in mind, I think 2 hours is a good average time to complete but it’d depend on your playthroughs. Getting all the achievements isn’t the hard part, it’s getting them before you get bored of all the playthroughs and drop the game.
As for never alone I think you can just go with the HLTB time.


Thanks for the reply.


It took me about 3 hours to get all the achievements and try all the paths in the Deed. If you play, make sure to save the game after the introductions so you just have to load back in right before the gameplay starts. Then I left it sit for a couple hours for cards which is why I have 5 hours on it.


Thanks, Stef. I don’t know when I’d realistically play this game, but I liked the reverse-Clue concept and it’s always good to know how long it takes to finish a game.


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