
Update Seventy-One: 28 October 2017

Costume Quest 2

10.1 hours, 18 of 18 achievements


I expected to finish this much closer to Halloween, but once I started playing I really didn’t want to stop! Costume Quest 2 is the perfect sequel - if you loved the first one, the second one is an improvement in every way. It retains the best parts of the first game and tries new things to keep it from just being more of the same. I’m very nostalgic about how fun it was to go trick-or-treating with my close friends as a child, and this game brings all of that back.

I think my favorite part of good ol’ Cos Ques Dos was not only how gorgeous the settings look, how much detail there is in each map and how pitch-perfect the stylization is, but in its gorgeous character animation. With the example of exactly ONE animation, each animation in the game is lovely to behold. The main villain and the costume-characters in the battle scenes in particular are wonderfully animated. While I know it was only produced by Double Fine (it was developed by Midnight City) this game reminds me so much of Psychonauts it makes my heart ache (in a good way). Hitting my nostalgia for one of my favorite parts of childhood and one of my favorite childhood games just isn’t fair, and I love it.

If there’s something to dislike about the game, then for me it’d be the battle system. Since it’s timing based, you have to focus on each battle (and you can’t just, you know, grind and then press A). While of course that’s great, each battle isn’t interesting enough to warrant my complete focus. The moment-to-moment turn-based battle gameplay is on the slow side. Battling is always something that I just kind of sit through, and I felt the pinch more than ever in this game’s battle system. It’s probably the only major drawback I had in an overall lovely experience.

So - you guys still have a few days! It’s on sale on Steam right now - pick it up and remember what it was like to dart around your neighborhood at dusk with your friends.

Next up: I haven’t asked my girlfriend to pick a game in a while. She chose -

See you soon!


Mm, I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Costume Quest is one of my favorite series! Though I have yet to play through the game myself, because my computer lags just a bit too much for the timing of the attacks, I’m glad you were able to enjoy it :)


I’d agree! I think it’s a very charming series.

I see what you mean - my computer did the same, but not so bad that I couldn’t play it. It’ll be waiting for you some other Halloween, with a newer and more robust rig.


Was hoping for a new rig this Christmas, but decided to do some non profit work instead, so goodbye money :,)