
August - Week 1 Update

I’ve been laying in bed sick with fever and feeling absolutely terrible for most of the week, but overall this was actually a pretty productive week in terms of achievements, albeit many of the titles I completed being easy to 100%. I finished a total of five titles and started three, while also progressing in other five. There were actually some more games I wanted to play this week but couldn’t since my fever made me unable to sit through them without feeling intense motion sickness (Skyrim, Viscera Cleanup Detail, etc).

Also my new laptop has been acting up by crashing and lagging for absolutely no reason, so a lot of games may be out of reach for a while until I figure out what exactly is causing it. Even writing this post on notepad is a challange. At the moment Windows 10 is my best guess, but I’m still not sure.

Anywho, on to the games!

Completed Games

This week, I completed five games: Echo Tokyo Intro, Highschool Possession, A Bird Story, Nyan Cat Lost In Space and Totally Unbalanced.

I have to admit I was never really a big fan of games like Echo Tokyo Intro and Highschool Possession as they are usually just boobs galore with very little to no plot, so I didn’t pay much attention to them. There were a few scenes that grabbed my attention but overall they were expendable at best. But thankfully they’re easy to 100%, which is always a plus for me.

Unfortunately I can’t say much about A Bird Story either as I got a pretty intense headache 30-45 minutes into it, so I wasnt’ able to pay attention. But from what I’ve heard the story is fantastic, so I might replay it in the future.
Nyan Cat Lost In Space was a game I’ve had my eyes on for a few weeks before I actually managed to get my hands on it, and I have to say it’s pretty fantastic if you turn off the background music. I enjoyed it thoroughly, although it did become very draining near the end as the harder achievements involve a lot of grinding. And by a lot, I mean a lot. But it was a pretty nice game overall.

Totally Unbalanced is the last game on this list. It’s newly released with achievements that are ridiculously easy to 100%. It’s basically just you throwing yourself into the water repeatedly. But the game itself is actually pretty nice and I didn’t play it with the intention of 100%-ing it, in fact I didn’t even know what the achievements were. But the game was very fun, bright and overall enjoyable, so I don’t mind coming back to it in the future if they added new achievements based on your game progress.

Started Games

I started playing three new games this week: Ragnarok Clicker, Shonen Idle Z and Neon Warp.

Considering the massive size of my backlog, starting new games is probably the very last thing that I should be doing, but I couldn’t help myself. Shonen Idle Z and Ragnarok Clicker both looked very fun, and I can’t say that I was wrong because they actually are two really fun games. The latter is actually a re-skin of Clicker Heroes so it doesn’t offer anything too interesting at the moment, but the devs said they’ll add more things in the future so I’m really looking out for that.

As for Neon Warp, it actually wasn’t my intention to start it, it just sorta.. happened? I had no plans to actually start it but the game looked quite pretty so I couldn’t help myself and downloaded it. And before I knew it an achievement popped up, and well.. there it goes. I really should pay more attention to the achievements before I touch anything.

Shonen Idle Z starts off with a strong 31.8% achievement completion, while Ragnarok Clicker debuts with an even stronger 40% completion. Things are however looking less impressive for Neon Warp, which starts with a mere 14%, a number which will most likely not change for a while as I don’t intend on coming back to it anytime soon as I have games with higher priorities to complete.

Other Progress

In addition to completing five games, I also managed to further my progress in another five. These games are Clicker Heroes, Tap Tap Infinity, DuckTales, POSTAL and The Walking Dead.

By now you’ve probably already guessed that I’m a big fan of idle clicker games, hence my progress in Tap Tap Infinity and Clicker Heroes. I actually started playing them late last year, but then left them and only came back to them very recently. Tap Tap Infinity receives a 4% increase in the completion rate (total 59%), while *Clicker Heroes enjoys a smaller 1.8% increase (total 47.7%).

(Note: I’m most likely not going to mention these games (and also other idle/clicker games) in future progress updates unless I actually complete them as I feel they’re not very relevant, but I thought it’d be nice to introduce my slight obsession with these type of games so when I do complete them they don’t feel to sudden or out of the blue.)

DuckTales, gifted to me by the lovely CowOfDarkness, logs in an extra 10% in completion rate this week (total 35%). Despite loving the game and the Donald Duck franchise though, I’m still not too sure if I can ever finish this game considering one of the achievements require me to beat the game on Extreme difficulty. But we’ll see.

POSTAL is perahaps this week’s highlight in terms of achievement progress, adding 59.2% to it’s completion rate (total 85.2%). I did a lot of grinding for it this week, and I only have 4 more achievements to go. The bad news though, these 4 achievements will involve a lot of grinding. Fire 1,000,000 bullets? Complete the game having only killed hostiles? Oh hell no. We’ll see.

Last but not least is a SG win, The Walking Dead. The completion of the fourth chapter brings an extra 16.6% to it’s completion rate (total: 66.7%). It’s taking me so long to progress in this game, not because it’s bad, but because it’s very emotionally draining and demanding (in the best way possible). I want to 100% it as soon as possible, although I don’t think it’s very possible considering I still don’t have the 400 Days DLC. I’ll grab it the next time it goes on sale.


That’d be all for now. This is the weekly update I ever posted on this site, and I think I’m off to a pretty great start. Not too sure if I’ll be able to keep it up next week though. I have an oral surgery coming up for my wisdom tooth (which I’m quite scared about) so there’s a chance I’ll be too medicated to even progress in anything.

(Also I don’t know if anyone is still reading by this point, but if someone could help me with the post formatting that would be fantastic! I can’t figure out how to make it so the games appear on site as boxes with their achievements below them. I read the post about Inspect element but I couldn’t find anything. Also if there’s any other neat formatting tips I should know to make my post more presentable, that’d be great too!)

Thanks for reading!

(EDIT: Oops, that took a.. lot more space than I expected it to. Sorry about that, I’ll work on making my future updates shorter. I just love writing.)


That’s rough. Being sick one week then having your wisdom teeth out the next. Don’t worry if you make more progress one week compared to another. I think that’s pretty normal. You got an impressive amount done this week all things considered.


Mhm yeah, I hope I can still make a dent on my backlog by the end of this month though. And thank you! :D


I’ll give you the 400 Days DLC. I have an extra copy from Humble, sending a friend invite on Steam :)


Oohhhhh. Thank you so much! :D


For one of the 400 days achievements, it’s actually very easy to miss. I believe it’s called ‘Reunited’. I wont spoil anything for you but if you want the achievement, hide when the truck comes your way


Aha, thanks for the tip! I plan to 100% it, so I’ll be sure to remember that when I play it (thanks to Quisty!).


Hope you’re feeling better soon!

Is that a screenshot from the Nyan Cat game? Such bright colours.
Is Shonen Idle Z also a clicker?

Someone really needs to make an official guide for those boxes. Everyone wants to know how to make them.
Pearadise wrong something here, I don’t know if it makes it any clearer.
Aside from the inspect element I’m not really sure I can help though. Just experiment with what feels comfortable to you.


Thank you! :D
And it wasn’t a screenshot, but rather a poster, I think? I’m not too sure. But the game itself isn’t that much less brighter:

It comes with customisable background, varieties of nyan cat costumes (with a lot of pop culture references from music/movies/etc), different worlds and game modes and also a tamagochi feature which is basically just you petting and dressing up your nyan and feeding it. Quite the bundle of fun for the price tag, took a while before it started getting old for me.

Nah, Shonen Idle Z isn’t a clicker. It’s just an idle game, you don’t really have to do much in it aside from upgrading your fighting damage, using skills and clicking chests every once in a while. Not much happens, it’s like a waiting game, which is also kinda why I like it since you can just shove it in the background and do other things with no worries!

Someone really should! Along with other neat formatting tips. Thanks for linking Pearadise’s post, I think I’m sorta getting it.. I’ll try it later!



I managed to learn how to do the boxes :D Just that it’s probably not very efficient so I don’t think I’ll make a guide for it.


Oooh, excellent. :D

Nyan Cat doe slook very colourful. @_@ When it next fits a theme… maybe will try…
Shonen sounds like a step back from clickers, there’s enough waiting in life I don’t think we need games about them. :)


Sorry about that, I’ll work on making my future updates shorter. I just love writing.

And we like reading updates here so no reason to be apologetic, keep those long posts coming. :) Hopefully you’re feeling better!


Aha, thanks! You are too kind. Hopefully I’ll be able to be consistent with my updates :D