
Monthly Update: April 2024

Annnd another month of barely any games played.
I had only 9 hours played until the last few days of the month haha.
I managed to lose 2 completions this month. Stardew and Palworld both added more achievements.. nooooooo! (I realised this when checking my profile and saw 2 games missing from my profile showcase)
Stardew I will have to replay the whole game again 😭, but I started working towards the Palworld ones the other night which I need to defeat some kind of raid style boss. My first attempt went...well, it went...



Tales of Berseria was so close to being the only game I touched this month. 😅



  • Everdream Valley

Congratulations on your assassinations!! ᓚᘏᗢ
You had the same thought as me, it’s been long enough that Stardew needs a replay anyway. Wishing you the best on your Palworld adventures!


I’ve started up Stardew, so we shall see how it goes! I’ve also started up Fallout 4 which I tentatively have gotten into so far!
Palworld is back on the backburner for a little bit haha


Oh, Tales of Berseria! I really want to play it again one day, a really well done game. Emotional rollercoaster. :3


I’m enjoying it so far!
I haven’t really played jrpgs except for Ni no kuni 2, so it is good for something different!


It’s one of the best in my opinion. Have fun!


I hate it when new achievements get added when my game is already at 100% xD


Ergh it’s the worst! I still haven’t gone back to 100% Terraria again as well!

Arbiter Libera

How is Berseria so far? How does it compare to Zestiria if you’ve played that one?


I’m enjoying it, but I am definitely new to jrpgs so I’m unable to help with comparisons haha

I’m liking the characters (although it is hilarious how obvious your future party members are in their character design compared to all the background characters), and the story so far seems to be pretty linear point A to point B.
My only real dislikes so far is it feels a little bit button mash-y as I’m playing on controller, and some dungeon areas seem to be huge hallways that take awhile to traverse.

Arbiter Libera

I ask because Zestiria and Berseria are kinda considered sister games. Characters standing out is really one of those JRPG things, yeah. There are very very few JRPGs that really break the familiar storytelling mold and when they do, like SaGa games, they tend to go all out.


Might sound weird but I consider Berseria one of the best JRPGs I’ve played, while Zestiria… I couldn’t even continue because I find it very boring.


Well said! It’s a very flawed game that almost every part of it could’ve been better.