
Congratz on finishing 60+ games! May I ask how did you write your post like that? With columns, arrows and stuff. Really liked it.


Thank you. <3 I didn’t actually think about counting them. Looks like I finished 74 games in 2016. :)

So the charts can be really simple to do. If you look here at the bottom it shows you the very basic to do tables. So the coding for one row of mine is this:

Month | Beaten | +Backlog | Difference | Most Satisfying Finish | Most Exciting Addition

:-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-:

Jan 2016 | 2 | 16 | <i class="fa fa-arrow-up" aria-hidden="true" style="color:red;"></i> 14 | <a style="color: #e90c64; font-weight: bold;" href="" target="_blank">Undertale</a> | <a style="color: #e90c64; font-weight: bold;" href="" target="_blank">Slime Rancher</a>

Month Beaten +Backlog Difference Most Satisfying Finish Most Exciting Addition
Jan 2016 2 16 14 Undertale Slime Rancher

The arrows are just images you can use in the font. you can see it in the code above. Here’s a site to browse them!

Hopefully that helps.


Thanks for the help! I hope to use it soon and congratz again!