
Update Sixty-Two: 11 October 2017

Miniature Garden

15.4 hours, 8 of 8 achievements
tsuper review: 3/10


Uuuugh. I gotta talk about this game? God damn it.

Miniature Garden is indeed a Higurashi clone with none of the depth, bredth, clarity, insight, deftness of writing, and focus of purpose Higurashi has. The best thing about it was that it was short enough I could get through in one day of somewhat-focused reading. I guess being laid off has its benefits?^

Its central mystery is dumb, characterization is shallow, and its endings are abrupt. Characters act crazy for the sake of acting crazy, and that craziness has no impact beyond it being pretty cheap. Minus a full point for a gratuitous, blatant, vulgar panty shot CG of a young girl. What the fuck.

You want dopey, cheapy horror for that near-Halloween time? Play Sound of drop. Don’t bother with this one.

Next up: There’s really only better things from here.

See you soon!

^The job hunt is going well, though!

Blue Ϟ Lightning

Goood luck with the job hunt!

notes down never to get this…dissapointing cause I saw higurashi clone and I like higurashi so I got all intrested