
Update Two Hundred and Thirty: 21 September 2018


10.1 hours, 21 of 21 achievements


Short game (most of that time is idle time for an achivement) gets a short review:

This game advertises itself not as a game but rather an interactive wallpaper you click around and make random things happen to ‘progress’. It is exactly that - no more and no less.

I’m currently still absorbing the news of Telltale Games’ closure and the cancellation of the Walking Dead Last Season. Whatever we get of episode 2 next week is it. That’s all. It’s over.

Alexa, play Nearer My God To Thee.

Next up: Imagine I’m just laying on the ground and staring up at the ceiling.

See you soon!


This intrigues me greatly. Played a few similar (I guess) games that I enjoyed so it goes on to the wishlist just to see, even if it is not that great. Thank you for sharing!


You’re very welcome! I was in A Mood when I wrote this, so I’m glad it still was enough to bring you value.


Telltale is closing??? this is horrible news :(((
I was waiting for The Wolf among Us 2 :((((


Very absolutely :((((
I was excited about it, too, and Batman part 3, even the follow up for the GoT series I was still going to check out…


I was pleasantly surprised with this one, was an enjoyable one-sitting experience! I really dislike when games force you to play for x amount of time just for achievements though, so unnecessary. It’s a 40 minute game for jeez sake. Thankfully it was just AFKing and nothing grindy.

My Clem. :( I’m super bummed about Telltale too. Wolf 2 was a big one as well, and I’ve still had Tales from the Borderlands installed for 2 years now hoping with every fibre of my being it’d get a sequel. This feels so surreal and sudden, considering the particular success as of late and hype for big name titles. Felt like they were finding their groove again. But reading all the perspectives of the employees sounds like there was a hell of a lot of mismanagement and insane overworking. Hopefully some real change comes out of this as well…something positive. It just doesn’t feel real. Tearing up. ;_;


Yeah, I just left it on when I went to work. Those kind of achievements are a little dopey.

Ohhh my goddd yeah. I definitely hope the characters Telltale created get a follow up SOMEWHERE (Rhys and Fiona and them have small roles in another Borderlands game, Clementine shows up in the WD comic with a small part, anything). Apparently Lilly from the first season was going to come back?! Wat?

I read that expose on the Verge, and it sounded fucking awful, but I thought the company was recovering. The big asshole, Kevin Bruner, seemed to have sued Telltale and that’s what exacerbated their situation.

I hope, if anything, this helps video game studio employees unionize, and it serves as a big, stark reminder of what can happen if you treat your employees like garbage. I hope they all move on to bigger and better things.


Thankfully the achievement was bugged for me so it only took a few hours. :P

That would be so incredibly cool, there’s so many fantastic characters it’s a shame for all their stories to end here. Not sure how the copyright would work with all that, but it would make my heart so happy. <3 Oh wow, I forgot about her and Larry.

Definitely. So many talented people, I saw the one guy saying something like “looks like my trilogy of layoffs is complete” and how all 3 times in his career it happened suddenly without benefits and that he was one of the people doing 20 hour crunch hours, it turned him off taking a risk with the industry again. I’m glad it’s been talked about more and people protesting, but it’s about time things actually start changing. So many talented people, I can’t wait to see what they create next. It’s been at least heartwarming seeing companies offering positions, for hopefully even bigger and better things (while being able to take care of their physical and mental self!).


That Telltale news is really the worst news ever indeed. What I find most insulting is that (I guess at least) they released WD Final Season knowing full well they won’t be able to finish it. It seems unreal such sudden closure would happen without the company being able to see it coming. And the fact that they’re going to finish the Netflix deal but not the WD one hurts really bad too. Ah well, RIP Telltale.


I don’t know - from what I’ve been hearing, this all was very sudden, like a house of cards collapsing. If WD was going to be a throwaway, it would have shown in the quality - and the quality was incredible. From all accounts, nobody thought this would happen.

But I 40000% agree that fucking Minecraft gets an ending but their flagship won’t (or might not) is really a fuckin kick in the head.


Ah don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame the employees, they sure worked hard. I blame the executives, those higher ups making decisions. They’re the own who most likely knew the company was doomed and set unrealistic expectations thinking they could manage and fund so many projects at the same time. Plus they have a history of poor (I’ve even read toxic) management already and known to burn out their employees with crunch time and so on.

The only good thing out of this is that at least the employees now are free from all this. Though it is very costly for them and I hope they’ll manage to find a new place back very soon. It costed for us gamers too on a different scale though obviously as it simply means no more Wolf Among Us and no chance to see a new Tales of the Borderlands either. And the uncertain fate of the Walking Dead finale as well.

Anyway, we’ll see how it all plays out I guess.


Oh yeah yeah, absolutely, I’m with you.

Stuff that’s coming out over the weekend is gutwrenching - 250 people laid off and all without severance, many of which don’t qualify for unemployment because they were contract workers. A lot of people who don’t know how to make ends meet this month, who, like in Jaffa’s second comment, worked overtime and put their heart and soul into something and…

One thing that’s also wrenching is just… like… now Telltale’s legacy is as a warning, a ‘don’t do what that studio did’. A shipwreck off a rocky coast as a reminder..


There’s a lot of hearsay going on about Telltale right now so I haven’t got a clear picture of what’s going to happen. If the reports about the Final season not being finished remain true, that really sucks. It leaves such a sour taste to a series that started out so strong.

On a more positive note, Wuppo is a fun game! Hope you like it too.


Yeah, I’ve seen those walkbacks - it was probably not cancelled, then definitely cancelled, and now maybe not cancelled. Employees don’t even know what tf is going on. I’m holding out a little hope… but unfortunately not too much. Maybe this will be the Act 2 Low Point… or maybe it’s just the end.

Thank you! I’m finding it okay. It’s not precisely my kind of game, but I’ll play through it as best I can.


I’m trying to stay hopeful too, but also preparing for bad news. Whether they leave the series unfinished after ep 2 or scrap together a rushed, barely conclusive final episode - either of those outcomes would be terrible. Fingers crossed for a better option C.


Since this whole news happened a little under a week out from launch, I believe it would be a quality episode - it should have been mostly finished.

Fingers crossed!

Blue Ϟ Lightning

ouu hope you enjoy wuppo
its has some problems but its sheer charm shines through


Thnak you, Blue c: I’m enjoying myself all right, though I won’t be 100% clearing it. I think I’ll do my best and then just let it go when I finish.

Blue Ϟ Lightning

yesss same I played through doing as much as possible than didn’t continue once I reached the end.