
Update Two Hundred and Seventy-Six: 24 January 2019

1931: Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum

149 hours playtime, ~15 hrs actual, 54 of 91 achievements


Long time no see! You know how it is at tsupertsundere Industries! A billion posts in one day or nothing for two weeks.

1931 is a real strange beast of a game, a stat-raising sim with as many bad qualities as there is good. In fact, within minutes of launching it and trying to muddle through the opening chapters, I reached out to BLAEO user and PA mod MouseWithBeer to inquire about just how long I had to actually play this game for it to pass Playing Appreciated standards - I honestly would’ve just dropped it then and there. With assurances that as long as I gave it the old college try it would be approved, I settled in to do my best!

Then I discovered two things: 1. I could cheat, and B. once I got into the swing of things, those things weren’t half bad.

Let me back up a bit: in 1931, you play the eponymous Scheherazade Keating (or Sadie to her pals), an 18 year old freshman archaeology student at NYU in, you guessed it, 1931. Her parents, long missing, were globe-trotting adventurers and archaeologists themselves, and Sadie wants to follow in their footsteps. Her story is one ripped right off of the silver screen and out of dimestore pulp paperbacks, as charming as it is old-fashioned. The gameplay involves raising a ton of stats and collecting inspirations to pass different obstacles in each ‘caper’, or adventure she can go on following different plot threads and relationships.

Overall, those plot threads are interesting. Sadie heads all over the world and spends some time in New York City in between. She has five love interests as well as her original family goal she can focus on, and all of the dudes are actually pretty cool (though two, Sterling and Roland, are a little too similar for my tastes). There’s clearly a lot of study that went on in this game - it’s dripping with detail, though how much of it is super factual I have no clue. The game isn’t really hip to the trends of, uh, hey, uh, colonialism is bad and the ‘priceless ancient artifacts belong in white museums, not in their countries of origin’ angle. While, okay, temporally accurate, it really reads like a moldy wet ham. Sadie does get confronted by different indigenous folks on that score, though, and she can come around to it a bit.

This fuckin game is LONG, and there’s a ton to do, and mostly the plot threads are kept intact and the adventures, for how many there are, are varied, interesting, and take advantage of the different locals Sadie heads to. It’s only near the end that things get jumbled up, though that might have been me rushing.

Unfortunately, for how much time and effort went into the writing, the rest of the game is woefully underpolished. The interface is bad, there’s little quality of life assistance, and everything feels so, SO cheap. There’s a lot of bugs and straight up broken or impossible to get achievements. There’s a ton of repetition, and to get what achievements you CAN get involves playing through the game multiple times - considering it’s length, I just couldn’t sit through it all again, even with skips on. The sprite art is also… really, really weak, and it’s not fun to have to look at that for hours and hours on end.

There’s a part of me that’s really fond of this game, but considering how it’s a fight to get through it all I can’t really recommend it. I’ll put this in my ‘to revisit’ pile, if only to come back to it in a few years and skip through some shit to maybe scrape a couple more achievements out of this thing.

For now, I can only say I did actually appreciate this one.

Next up: I’m making a new home in -

See you soon!


Happy to hear you have managed to beat it now and it wasn’t as bad as you thought in the beginning even if flawed :)


I’m glad I spent the time on it, and I have you, Reforced, and PA as a whole to thank. A good ending c:


Well I didn’t to much other than tell you to play a minimum of 5 hours :P


149 hours? o.O What does “15 hours actual” mean?


It took them 15 hours to complete but they have 149 hours overall because of idle time
Tsupertsundere is a super idler who scares people away from games when they see it will take over 100+ hours but actually it wouldn’t even take 25% of that time


Ah, ok. It would be insane if this game was 149 hours long and required multiple playthroughs to 100%. xD


It’s not always like that though! I just finished Danganronpa with 50h and she has about 55h. Soooooo that’s pretty close, right? ;)
Muhahar! xD ;)


Hehe xD


<:ccccc I don’t scare people away THAT bad… right?


yeah dont worry its not that bad, only for the initial shock until you understand the real time markdown


So I started it. And then gave up. And never again touched it.
I should though. I’m not really motivated though :(
Buuuut since you liked/disliked it. I guess I really should :D


It’s certainly a LOT, but cheating turned it from a fraught obstacle course into a marathon.

I dunno, I thought it was cute, and I do think it’s the kind of cute you like, so give it a shot again from time to time!


My thought exactly. So I will do this! :)


That idle time! Always going above and beyond! :’)


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh u guuuuuuuuuuuuys

Oh! Oh! So NOBODY ever just leaves their shit open all the time while you’re doing other things! <:C I’m gettin’ bullied!


Not for 100 hours.

Hehe just messing with you! I do that all the time. xD


Just wait! One day you’ll look at your own steam playtimes and lament! I curse you with the 「IDLER’S PLAGUE」!



Nooo! What have you done?!



I did it sometimes too but I never reached your level. You are a master!

But my most notable one was probably with Emily is Away Too. Can’t remember exactly but I was idling it during the day so it should be something like 8h?

And the worst I remember without having the game open is Bastion. 43 hours without even playing the game on Steam once haha. It was when I used to idle cards.