
Interlude One: Are You Ready For a Miracle? (summer dance edit)


Every six months, give or take, we get a massive, beautiful steam sale. There’s a lot of huff and puff on steamgifts about how crappy the sales have gotten and boo no more inventory gifting blah etc. etc. But me? I don’t care. I don’t care. I am here to buy games.

And buy games I did. 46 games in fact. It was a birthday present for myself, and it is so sweet. I spent all afternoon and all evening going through my huge wishlist, carefully winnowing down my options. I was dismayed that some games I was super excited for were only 30% off - but I realized that life is short and by god I earned all of this money and if I want to blow it on games, then by god, I will and I got them anyway, (Those were the House in Fata Morgana and She Rememberd Caterpillars. I was debating getting Everything but I decided to hold off for now.)

But then, of course, it was going to wreak havoc on my backlog.

I had the forethought to take a screenshot of what my percentage looked like - it was from last week, and I had gotten a few games in sales and beaten a few, so the percentages stayed about the same since then.

Hilariously, my percentages seem to have flipped - what was once ‘games completed’ blue is now ‘never played’ grey.

How is everyone else’s backlogs faring? How are you enjoying the sale?


Nice list of games! Summer Sale is like Thanksgiving. You can splurge all you want and still go on that game diet when it’s over :P
Out of the games you bought I’ve only played Serafina’s Crown and Orwell. I’m thinking of getting Clannad for a friend and Batman for myself though :)
Hope you enjoy the games!

Sorry forgot to say Happy Birthday!


This comment was deleted almost 7 years ago.


Hey awesome haul. I look forward to hearing if you enjoyed ‘she remembered caterpillars’. I’ve got it on my wishlist, but I’m not sure if it’s going to be brilliant or fall flat.

Lucky Thirteen

First off, happy B-day! :)

I don’t care. I don’t care. I am here to buy games.

Agreed! As someone who rarely trades (and if I do, I just trade bundle keys via IndieGala), the change to Steam’s gifting system didn’t affect me in any way. I’m here to buy games, and buy games I will :D

I’m limited to some 8€ at max, so I’ll probably wait for the sale to near the end before deciding what to buy. Probably. Grabbing Dex + Renoir sounds like a solid plan to me, though I might as well end up buying something else instead as Dex is still a bit on the expensive side. Decisions, decisions!
Anyway, you have fun with your new games and keep us updated! ;)


Happy birthday :)

I am not enjoying the sale myself because there is nothing for me to buy. The very very few games I am interested in are either still too expensive or not even released yet :P


Gurl, you have the spirit!
I’ll have a look at my bank account and… just do it! Because sales are there to enjoy them - and I even got my mum to pay something in advance for me, because…. steam sale is coming, I can’t spent all my money on rl stuff!?! O.O
Yeah, so there we go, I should shop :D

Although your stats swapped… I like the numbers. Lots to play ahead of you! ;)

Have much fun killing that backlog :]

Arbiter Libera

Is this one of those “RECORD SCRATCH - you might be wondering where all these games came from” moments that accompany every Steam sale for me? :P

Still early to say, I just got some cheaper stuff off my wishlist for now. I’m determined to spend as little as possible.


First, happy birthday!!!

I like your attitude =D just buy! So far I’ve only bought Riven. There’s a few more on my wishlist that’s 75% off but I’m resisting for now! I have quite a few games on hand that by the time I finish them it’ll be the next sale.

Have fun playing all the games!


That’s the spirit!! Happy birthday and enjoy your games, there is a loooot of good ones in there, and if games are what makes you happy, then so be it!


I’m sorry I couldn’t reply to all of these sooner - I had a minor procedure earlier today where they put me to sleep (I’m fine!) so I was a little groggy and off until now.

I just want to say that this is one of the nicest communities, if not THE nicest community, I’ve ever been in. Everyone is so sweet and each comment made me smile. I’m glad we’re all working on our backlogs together <33333

THANK YOU!!! <3333


Happy birthday! You’re absolutely right to treat yourself on your birthday, we people tend to forget that and just buy birthday gifts for others. Enjoy your new games :)

How is everyone else’s backlogs faring? How are you enjoying the sale?

So far I haven’t been spending much on these sales. I was hoping to see other stores join the party, maybe that’ll happen soon. I’d prefer to use Humble store for a couple of gifts/GAs.