  • Bastion

    8 hours playtime

    6 of 24 achievements

Report #133: Bastion

Very cute

My first game for our current Challenge Me-Event done. I was challenged to play Bastion. As I already played Transistor, I was very excited about the game. Turned out to be a very nice game, but I liked Transistor more. Perhaps because Transistor was a bit turn based combat. There have been some situations where I was very confused where my characters is, what I need to do, where all those enemies are coming from. Perhaps I am getting old or I have played too many stealth games recently :D

Anyway, the game was nice. I like the idea of a narrator commenting on what you are doing in the game. And telling the story as you play through them. Just like in Transistor, Call of Juarez and Stanley Parable.

Probably won't continue playing it for the rest of the achievements soon. But perhaps some day, when I am more interested in fast action.


In my case it’s quite opposite. I like Bastion a lot more than Transistor, ‘cause it has more complex combat and story.


I’m with you there. Both still excellent games of course, but bastion just has the edge for me.


I love games that do clever things with the narration. I just started playing “The deadly tower of monsters” and I love the directors commentary that has various comments based on what you’re doing. Last night I was trying to get to a spot out of the way because I saw something, and kept falling into the water, where a sea monster eats you. The first time, he was really excited, “Oh wow! the sea monster, I added it as a metaphor for blah blah, but no one appreciated it”, and then “The sea monster, that thing was great. We had our guys do blah blah blah”. Then it was “Wow, another shot of the sea monster”, then “Another sea monster shot” (sounding bored), then “hmmmmmm”, before he stopped.
So yeah I love that style of reacting to what you’re doing, it makes it feel like the game is actually paying attention.


I played Transistor and Bastion in the same way you did and I liked Transistor more at the end. I’m pretty sure if I had played them in the other way around I would like Bastion more. Anyway I’m glad you enjoyed the game. Cheevos are really hard imo and time consuming.


Transistor (<3) > Bastion