  • Assassin's Creed Unity
    Assassin's Creed Unity

    16 hours playtime

    no achievements

Report #138: Assassin's Creed Unity

First monthly game done

I have beaten my first theme game this month. Didn't expected that, but I had a lot of time during the weekend and well... I skipped most of the side missions. So I reached the final boss battle after ~16 hours.

I liked playing all the other Assassin's Creed games, but this was the first game I kind of hated after several hours into the story. It is so damn buggy. Hitting so many invisible walls during missions, falling animation when I should be sitting on the ground. Especially the parts, where you have to outrun your enemies, but Arno (the main character) decides to jump right and left onto ledges, instead of just running through the center. I don't know. The inputs were a big mess. For example: There is one assassination indoor. So I hit the target, watched the cutscene and wanted to jump out of the window. Best to do by pressing RT and B on the Steam Controller. This is also the combination to go down while free running. But somehow the devs decided, that in this particular case the character jumps left of the window onto the ledge. But being indoor there is no way up, because there is the ceiling. Guess what... I died a lot here.

The story itself isn't ground breaking, actually played during the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century, combined with a Romeo and Juliet story. But that's ok. I just hated the bugs

If you want to play an Assassin's Creed and haven't played any of them, go and play another, not this.


French revolution sounds like a great background, it’s too bad the game is not good. I’ve heard nothing but bad things about unity.


Your screenshots are really pretty, but it confirms everything else I heard about this one, so I guess I’ll pass. :(


What is the modern day story and gameplay like in the game? I used to love Assassins Creed 1-3, but it seemed like they were slowly taking the modern day portion out of the game in the newer ones.


well, there are 3 short levels, where you get dragged out of the French Revolution, running from a start portal to a goal. Takes about 5 minutes each. And then there are 2 or 3 cutscenes from outside Abstergo. And a I think 3 audio transmissions into the Abstergo from outside. Other than that, you only play inside the sim.