
Outland - Abandoned

Really gutted about this but I’ve had to admit defeat for now. For the 22 hours play over almost 12 months I have mainly really enjoyed Outland and even made significant progress this week by completing the third boss. However, the issue I nearly always have with these types of games has occurred; I simply can’t get passed one section. It’s a fairly innocuous section of jumping that just requires a level of timing and control of the xBox controller I simply don’t have. But unfortunately it’s a game where there are no alternative routes :(

I remember I was similarly stumped with the second boss and taking a break for a few months and coming back to it resolved the issue so hopefully dropping Outland for a while and maybe trying again in the Spring with a fresh mind might resolve the issue.

I think for my next platformer I’ll pick a much shorter one - any suggestions for such a game on my Won on Steam Gifts list welcome :)


Too bad about Outland, it is a nice game although it can be somewhat frustrating.

For a short and nice platformer I’d play Thomas was alone. I 100% that game in less than 4 hours.

Good luck :)


I played a short time of Thomas Was Alone this week and enjoyed it so that goes onto my short list - thanks for the recommendation I didn’t know it was that short :)


Fly’n is one of the best platformers I have ever played. It is such a beautiful game. But it isn’t short and it is definitely not easy ^^

VVVVVV is rather short but needs a lot of precision so probably not your cup of tea to (although it has many many checkpoints).

Didn’t play Mutant Mudds or Xeodrifter but from what I’ve read especially the second one is rather short. Don’t know how hard but they are for strange reason on your Won’t Play list anyways.

Wait - Extended is not a platformer but it is halfway short game and it is really good in its atmosphere and has an interesting story.


Fly’n and VVVVV: didn’t grab me to be honest - but I think that was just because they were just too difficult for me
Wait - Extended I loved and have already beaten :)
Mutant Mudds or Xeodrifter: I think these are just a bit too 1980s for me - been there done that got the T-shirt ;)

Lucky Thirteen

I can very much recommend Oscura: Lost Light and SteamWorld Dig. Played both of them without any major problems or frustration (and I usually suck at platformers, so it’s safe to say that those two are rather easy-ish) :)


Oscura: Lost Light and SteamWorld Dig are both games I have had a quick play of and enjoyed so they sound exactly what I am after, thanks for the recommendation :)


Shame about Outland, but I’m somewhat glad to see someone that has the same problem as me:

I keep on getting stuck, give up, come back after a while, progress a little, get stuck, get annoyed because my brain can’t remember a checkpoint ain’t a savepoint, etc. ^.^

As for a new platformer, cant help you there, sorry!


Always good to know it’s not just me. At least the save point is close to the point I can’t get passed so I don’t have a long way to go when I next decide to re-try it!