Batch 3 completed! 10 games

# Game Achievements Playtime
1 Transmissions: Element 120
100% (11 of 11) about 1 hour
2 Batman: Arkham Knight
90% (102 of 113) about 83 hours
3 Pillars of Eternity
44% (21 of 48) about 63 hours
4 Epistory - Typing Chronicles
100% (55 of 55) about 26 hours
5 BioShock Won on SteamGifts
about 26 hours
6 BioShock 2 Won on SteamGifts
80% (55 of 68) about 25 hours
7 BioShock Infinite Won on SteamGifts
100% (80 of 80) about 44 hours
8 Castle of Illusion
100% (12 of 12) about 7 hours
9 LEGO® Jurassic World Won on SteamGifts
100% (49 of 49) about 33 hours
10 Mirror's Edge
about 4 hours