Charles Nonsens

Report #31: May 2023

Greetings assassins,

The one game I finished in May was Snake Pass, which I had unsuccessfully tried to play with a keyboard and mouse in the past. It’s a series of obstacle courses where you guide your snake avatar to some magic well or whatever. The game doesn’t nominally require a controller, but in reality it kind of does, at least for those of who like to keep our (relative) sanity. Even so, Snake Pass is at times frustratingly difficult, which is more than a little incongruous with the toddler-friendly art and story. Of course, my prejudice is showing - I bet any five-year old today could finish this game between snack time and dinner. Some mixed feelings: I’m glad to have knocked it off my list since it was one of my oldest wins, but it probably shouldn’t have been on the list to begin with, since it doesn’t have any of the qualities that I look for in a game.


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I don’t know how these got added to my account 🙈