
Goals for November

November marks my one-year anniversary on BLAEO! Since I started my assassination journey, I’ve managed to complete over 40 games, and have beaten over 10. Let’s hope I can reach 100 completed games before next November or so, one can always wish…

  • Cook, Serve, Delicious!

    30 hours playtime

    52 of 52 achievements

  • Thief Gold

    55 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Steredenn

    16 hours playtime

    37 of 37 achievements

  • Langrisser I & II

    88 hours playtime

    42 of 42 achievements

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Cook, Serve, Delicious is a must-play if you like cooking games. Thief still feels so fresh even after 25 years, I really enjoyed it. Steredenn is a fun shoot-em-up with randomized stages, weapons, and eye-candy pixel art. Langrisser I & II was the least enjoyable apple of this bunch, I have mixed feelings about it. Definitely go for any other turn-based strategy RPG game if you can, it has way too many routes and in the end most of them turn out to be irrelevant and time-wasting, just look at my playtime…

This month might be the least productive one of the year, given that the current games on the list are not quick to finish at all. I’ll try my best anyway!


    40 hours playtime

    5 of 22 achievements

  • Tales of Symphonia

    36 hours playtime

    7 of 39 achievements

  • Learn Japanese To Survive! Kanji Combat

    2 hours playtime

    no achievements