
December 2023 game summary

December has been the month in which I have detoxxed from my bg3 marathon last month, and have played a bunch of new and old stuff.

Also, posting this a few days early because I’m about to get on a bus to my hometown, where I’ll stay without access to my PC until the first week of January c:

14.6 hours
Played on Steam

I really liked Cloudpunk. It's a very story driven game about being a delivery driver in a crazy cyberpunk city that moves all too fast. You meet lots of interesting characters, look at the pretty neon urban scenery (a weakness of mine), and make decisions that can change many, many lives for the better or the worse. The story is great, if you don't wonder why everyone in this game seems to put so much weight on the decision making skills of a girl they just met, and I really liked vibing to the music as I drove past buildings and neon lights.

The scenery, the voice acting and the characters were very enjoyable, but to be honest the driving part did spoil everything a little for me. I am not very fond of driving games, and the controls in this game aren't super precise, which doesn't help when the roads go through the buildings in mid-air instead of being on the ground. Most of the achievements I have left, I could get without fail on a second playthrough or some after-story exploration, save for two that depend on doing the driving part very well. Which I'm not sure I can do. So that sucks.

Still, I would like to come back to this game at some point and get the rest of those pesky achivements, and turn the green "beaten" bar into a blue "completed" one, because I genuinely enjoyed moving around Nivalis and discovering everyone's stories.

Pineapple on pizza

0.1 hours, 16 of 16 achievements

A ten minute gem that, even though I followed its development for months and had basically seen the whole thing multiple times before, still made me laugh a lot.


2.3 hours, 118 of 118 achievements

I got this a while back for achievement showcase lettering and easy 100% purposes. It was… Fine? I mean it's 1€ with no discount, but you're not buying or playing this for the gameplay. At least I can thank it for adding some padding to my completed list this month.

Ah, and it was actually just 20 mins to complete. The remaining two hours were idle card farming, LMAO.

5.1 hours
Played on Steam

There's a funny thing that happens to me with this game. It's pretty short yet very fun, and I should've been able to knock it off in a few days. However, whenever I play I get a terrible nose itch after a while (my theory is that it's caused by the vibrations of the possibly bass-boosted songs), which makes it hard for me to focus and also puts me off playing because it's not very pleasant. I'm at the last level, but it's taking me a bit and I also have a bunch of challenges to finish. Regardless, I hope this game will be in the "finished" or at least the "beaten" pile next month :')

Baldur's Gate 3

198.3 hours, 28 of 54 achievements

I know what you're thinking. "Adri, you've made no progress here". And you are right. But in my defense, I have a terrible case of "I like this so much I don't want it to end" syndrome. In any case, you can find my SGM review here

Sailing Era

6.3 hours, 2 of 39 achievements

Pixel Puzzles Illustrations & Anime

12.2 hours, 29 of 453 achievements

Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk

55.2 hours, 28 of 57 achievements

Luck be a Landlord

9.6 hours, 42 of 186 achievements

This month's loot is definitely daunting, but in my defense the majority of these were gifts from very lovely people :D
Mr. Beaver

A quick reminder that Cloudpunk has a story-based DLC that contains enough content for a full-fledged sequel, so if you want to return to the game, definitely check it out.


Oh? Well idk how I managed to miss that, but if that’s the case I’m definitely coming back to complete it soon!