
May Final Report

During the month of May I only managed to beat 2 games, both of them sgwins.

  • Frostpunk

    20 hours playtime

    29 of 49 achievements

  • Subterrain

    42 hours playtime

    45 of 48 achievements

Frostpunk - sgwin. Frostpunk is a great management/city building game set in a retro steampunk world that puts you in control of an arctic colony, after a major cataclysm takes place. You must manage several resources, the workforce, the people’s mood, and prepare for the bad weather and other curve balls the game sends your way while also exploring your surroundings. It is really well made, very streamlined and fun to play. I particularly loved the setting and the moral dilemmas the game proposes. Each of the different scenarios also demands you play the game a little bit different, focusing on different aspects of management and adding flavor to your experience. However, being a scenario driven game, it kind of lacks replay value and I feel it would benefit a lot from additional scenarios and a sandbox mode. Totally recommended.

Subterrain - sgwin. A top down survival shooter game with base management, exploration and crafting/research. You play as Dr. West, a scientist that is imprisoned for an experiment that went wrong and that transformed the entire population of your Mars colony into zombies. You have to escape prison, find a safe haven and explore the entire colony gathering resources, improving your gear, fighting the infection and trying to escape. The game has a nice story and worldbuilding, good gameplay, and a nice progression. It lacks diversity and areas and enemies feel always the same. It is also very grindy and I would have preferred a shorter playthrough. Recommended for fans of top down shooters.

See you next time and happy backlog assassinations :)


Always nice to play those sgwins! And Frostpunk– nice win! =)