
(June 16-June 30)

So, haven’t really played that many games in the last couple of weeks, unless of course you want to count Maplestory, and honestly, I don’t think I do (though I will comment on it below). I have been assigned a couple of games to play for a “Pay Or Play” event with the Quips, so I fully plan to play either one or two of them in the next week (“Bertram Fiddle” and “A Story About my Uncle”). Outside of that, I have mostly been doing some catching up on some movies/shows I’ve been missing from the past few months.

  • Maplestory

    ??? hours playtime

    2,176 of 10,000 Levels

  • Maplestory - So, I took a break from Maplestory a few months ago, while waiting for the update that just recently dropped (released in Korea in December) - one that calculates all of your characters' levels, and gives you a bonus on how they are arranged on a grid-based field (level 60-99 get one block on the grid, 100-139 = 2 blocks, 140-199 = 3 blocks, 200+ = 4 blocks)... So for me, it has meant a lot of grinding on characters that I had no intention of ever touching again... And I am still not even close to being done yet, as I still have 8 characters between the levels of 100-120 left to work on (main goal is 140 on all of them, which would require 4-6 hours per character)... What is really dumb though, is that even after all this work, the power increase I would see would be minuscule. But hey, that is how most MMORPGs work, so I knew what I was in for when I started over a decade ago