
Hello everyone. I’ve been here for a while but it’s only been lately that I’ve really been using the site and this is my first post. I’m not too good with reviews so I’ll try to keep these really short.

April Challenge So Far

  • NieR:Automata™

    27 hours playtime

    10 of 47 achievements

  • Wolfenstein: The New Order
    Wolfenstein: The New Order

    4 hours playtime

    15 of 50 achievements

  • Ember Kaboom
    Ember Kaboom

    21 minutes playtime

    no achievements


    0 minutes playtime

    no achievements

  • Hell Yeah!
    Hell Yeah!

    3 hours playtime

    5 of 12 achievements

  • NieR:Automata™

    27 hours playtime

    10 of 47 achievements

Pretty good game so far. Feels good to have a highly anticipated AAA title actually deliver. A bit too early to really judge the story but it’s definitely getting interesting and the combat’s entertaining. Soundtrack’s also lovely. The only thing I’d complain about has nothing to do with the game itself but the PC port. There are a few minor issues, and one or two that are actually troublesome but I don’t think that’s enough to diminish from the experience the game has to offer. Looking forward to playing more of this throughout the month.

  • Wolfenstein: The New Order
    Wolfenstein: The New Order

    4 hours playtime

    15 of 50 achievements

A decent first-person shooter. I’m not a big fan of FPS so I wasn’t too stoked about this. The thing I appreciate though is that for quite a bit of the game you have the option of stealth which I personally prefer over FPS. The story’s decent so far with nice cinematic cut-scenes. To sum up, Nazis take over the world after WWII so the protagonist goes on a Nazi-killing rampage.


    0 minutes playtime

    no achievements

This game definitely lives up to its title although definitely not in the sense the dev intended. The game isn’t really hard, it’s just that because of glitches in the game it gives the illusion of difficulty and you die a lot in situations where you shouldn’t have. I mean the dev themselves have acknowledges this and have added a disclaimer at the beginning of the game that states that the game is still a(n abandoned) work in progress and has a lot of issues. I don’t think I’ll be spending anymore time with this game in its current state.
Btw, I only played this game offline, thus the 0 minutes of playtime.

  • Ember Kaboom
    Ember Kaboom

    21 minutes playtime

    no achievements

If you wanna know what this game’s like, imagine the older mario games except with worse game mechanics. That being said, some children may find this game entertaining. Unlike 30 Impossible Levels, I didn’t instantly uninstall it after trying it so I may give it another shot later on in the month.

  • Hell Yeah!
    Hell Yeah!

    3 hours playtime

    5 of 12 achievements

This game was a bit of a surprise at it was definitely better than I expected it to be. Fun game all around with a decent soundtrack. Looking forward to playing more of this throughout the month.


I’m usually skeptic about console ports, but NieR looks interesting and promising. How does the save system works (only automatic saves at checkpoints, or you can use different save slots)? Are there many skills/weapons? Is the game cutscenes-heavy? =)


There’s no autosave, you have to manually save at “access points” which are scattered across the map. There are multiple save slots which you can save to. There are a lot of weapons but I’m not too sure about skills. What do you mean exactly by skills as different games have different definitions of the term? There are quite a few cutscenes as they’re what push the story forward.