
Le update

Again, I keep getting stuck to playing the same games over again that I tend to get back to. Been playing a lot of Rocket League lately, and even got into a modded Minecraft server again. Been playing that a lot and there hasn’t been a lot of time to play other games. I have finished 1 or 2 games though! Mostly just played ‘em for the 100% though.

A Wild Catgirl Appears!

(SG win)

  • A Wild Catgirl Appears!
    A Wild Catgirl Appears!

    4 hours playtime

    5 of 5 achievements

I had been trying to win this one for quite some time on SG just because the title intrigued me. I wanted to get into playing it, and ended up finally doing that a week ago or so. When I started the game someone immediately messaged me telling me the game was pretty shit, so, already kinda demotivated, I got into the game…
Now, I started playing the game, standard Visual Novel it seemed at first, but I seemed to be pretty wrong about that. The drawing-style wasn’t really to my liking and the story seemed very rushed. I think after about 5 minutes of not really liking what I saw, I gave up on the game and I just put it on “skip” mode to skip through all the dialogue and get the achievements as fast as I could.
I had wanted to at least finish one playthrough normally, but the game style just really didn’t appeal to me at all. Didn’t take me that long to 100% it after that. Although, the guide I followed to 100% it was flawed. Some information was wrong, so I had to do like 3 extra runs to get it right.

I definitely would not recommend this game. I mean.. If you have it, go right ahead and start it and go for the quick 100%, but the game itself is not worth it in my opinion.

Also, most of my playtime is from idling. 100%ing the game only took me 0.3 hour.


  • Freebie

    4 hours playtime

    5 of 5 achievements

Got this one from one of those GreenManGaming random game box thingies. As mentioned in my last post, I had given it a try, but the game was harder than expected. There’s 5 achievements, all skill based. It’s just “Get 10 points”, “Get 20 points” up to 50 points. After a bit more practice (and patience, something I usually lack) I managed to finish the game. I mean.. The game wasn’t that bad, it was better than I had expected it to be. I mean.. It was fun for about 30 minutes? Which isn’t too bad, considering the developer’s intentions for the game.
As for the game itself, it seemed to get laggier the further in you get. Every 10 points you get, the thingie starts spinning faster and it gets harder. But, beyond the 30 points I was just constantly lagging and it was hard to play. Not really that good. Also, the game has only that 1 thing you can do and really doesn’t have any variations (except for some epilepsy mode that you really don’t want to play unless you hate yourself a LOT). Replayability is close to zero for me. There is a leaderboard, but it would require immense practive to get high up on it, and there really is no point imo.

I would not recommend the game. Not for the easy 100% (since it isn’t that easy and can get quite frustrating) and not for the game itself. As I mentioned, it can be fun for about 30 minutes, but the game is just very lacking in all aspects. And it even lags for me! On a decent gaming setup!

This one also has cards, so about 2 hours of my playtime is idling time. I think finishing the game took me about 1.5 hour.

Le outro

Not sure if there’s any more to say. I haven’t been feeling like playing many games lately, just been going to the standards. If anyone would be up for playing any co-op game (that I’ve played or not) I’d love to do that though! Co-op is always fun! Just let me know! Or not!

Anyways, have a good one and good luck fighting your backlogs everyone! \o/ May you have more progress than me! :3


I plan to perfect Borderlands GOTY if you’re interested, currently finishing DLCs then, I’ll pick up whatever I couldn’t complete on my normal run.


I actually have not played Borderlands (1) before. Would love to give it a shot sometime (and finish it). Don’t actually own the game though, so it would have to depend on when I can play it through family share! But yeah, I’d totally be up for that!


Al right! There’s also a bug with a Tool regarding Borderlands, it’s not the GOTY but it does grant a free copy of the game, my brother got his that way.


Wut wut! How?!? :3