osmaniac moRuk | OsManiaC’s profile


JULY 2024!

TARGET to complete 100% achieves, or if not at least beat it

  • crowntakers a lovely roguelike turn-based gem, every run helps you get better, has very basic controls and is not really very complex, - https://store.steampowered.com/app/294370/Crowntakers/

  • Dead Island 2, as we waited so much for it to come to steam , it is a real zombie smash to the max game with ultimate 11/10 fun game not like try-hard zombie parkour xxl game like dying light 2 where I dislike the story and cannot focus to play as an idiat that could not throw guns or drop kicks https://store.steampowered.com/app/934700/Dead_Island_2/

  • opus magnum, for reasons I do not know , I kind of waited this game to play but never able to get it earlier as it never had a good sale. https://store.steampowered.com/app/558990/Opus_Magnum/

MEH TARGET - only for season achievements

  • Forza horizon 4 - I suck at racing games, I play at ultra casual difficulty just to get achievements that I cannot get after it gets delisted https://store.steampowered.com/app/1293830/Forza_Horizon_4/

June 2024

What has been done so far since joined BLAEO website

  • 18354 games filtered accordingly!
  • 500+ games won on steamgifts installed on the computer!


  • Dive into the “won on steam gifts” section into: Trading Card and non-cards . this is to give priority so dropping cards can motivate the gaming