Completed 20 games

A Bird Story

1 of 1 achievements (100%)

Arcane Raise

Won on SteamGifts
37 of 37 achievements (100%)

Borderlands 2

queued for sync

Brother Wings

4 of 4 achievements (100%)

CAT Interstellar

Won on SteamGifts
18 of 18 achievements (100%)

Duke of Alpha Centauri

128 of 128 achievements (100%)

Escape This

Won on SteamGifts
5 of 5 achievements (100%)

Fort Defense

13 of 13 achievements (100%)

Fruit Sudoku🍉

5 of 5 achievements (100%)

Hunter's Grimm

25 of 25 achievements (100%)

Iron Sea Defenders

Won on SteamGifts
12 of 12 achievements (100%)

Mad Driver

6 of 6 achievements (100%)


13 of 13 achievements (100%)

Reversion - The Escape

16 of 16 achievements (100%)

Reversion - The Meeting

25 of 25 achievements (100%)


1 of 1 achievements (100%)

Starushko Lub

Won on SteamGifts
1 of 1 achievements (100%)


Won on SteamGifts
15 of 15 achievements (100%)

Winter Novel

Won on SteamGifts
10 of 10 achievements (100%)


Won on SteamGifts
118 of 118 achievements (100%)