Paused 16 games

# Game Achievements Playtime
1 Awesomenauts Unfinished
33% (19 of 59) about 16 hours
2 Batman: Arkham City GOTY Beaten
70% (45 of 64) about 62 hours
3 The Binding of Isaac Beaten
29% (28 of 99) about 38 hours
4 Blades of Time
0% (0 of 35) 12 minutes
5 Dead Island Beaten
87% (42 of 48) about 126 hours
6 Overlord Unfinished
6 minutes
7 Overlord: Raising Hell
about 26 hours
8 Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers Unfinished
17% (9 of 53) about 4 hours
9 Dungeon Defenders Beaten
34% (39 of 118) about 156 hours
10 Dungeon Siege Unfinished
about 49 hours
11 Unepic Beaten
27% (15 of 57) about 72 hours
12 Unturned Unfinished
37% (26 of 72) about 79 hours
13 A Valley Without Wind Unfinished
65% (64 of 98) about 65 hours
14 Wanderlust: Rebirth Unfinished
27% (8 of 30) about 7 hours
15 Aquaria Unfinished Won on SteamGifts
4% (1 of 27) about 10 hours
16 The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
about 82 hours