  • Eufloria HD

    16 hours playtime

    11 of 20 achievements

my third time getting into eufloria came with me finally completing the story mode. i first started before eufloria hd existed with the regular eufloria and i think eventually got stuck and just stopped playing. then eufloria hd came out and i got it free since i had eufloria, so i started over with that and apparently got just two levels away from the end of story mode before getting distracted away with something else.

the visuals and sounds were the strong points of eufloria for me. it almost feels like a casual RTS but i basically always ended up waiting for my seedlings to build up to where i had more than my neighbor and then sent them in to fight — very little paying attention to what the AI was doing and reacting to it. i guess sometimes it’s nice to play something slower-paced, and eufloria is definitely relaxing and pretty chill. i didn’t get enough out of it to recommend adding it to your backlog, so this one goes on the mediocre pile.