
Monkey Island got me on a little adventuregame-hype and I won Anna’s Quest last week, so I decided to play I immediately. I had no high expectations going into it, I just thought it would be a little adventure game with a predictable story, but it turned out to be great! I had fun solving the riddles and I had always at least a small hint on what I could try out next, so I had to use the soultion just 1 or 2 times, in which cases I had the right idea, but I had to do something else first or overlooked something. The characters and the whole art style were pretty nice and the story turned out to be pretty intriguing. At the beginning everything seems to be very simple and plain, but then you get more and more small hints about what really is going on and that really kept me playing, because I wanted to see how everything turns out and I liked the ending, because everything gets cleared up and becomes logical. Overall I would recommand everyone who likes adventuregames and has this one in his backlog to kill it :)


Thanks for the recommendation and your comments on Anna’s Quest! It is in my backlog, I’ll bump it up my to-play list a little :)


You won’t regret :)