
Ninglors Log 96

08.01.18 – 14.01.18

Completed Games:
Aviary Attorney

Won/Gifted Games:

Bought Games:
Demon Hunter 4: Riddles of Light
Lost Grimoires 3: The Forgotten Well
Noir Chronicles: City of Crime

Played this week:
World End Danganronpa

Aviary Attorney

7 hours, no achievements, ★★★☆☆


BIRDIES! So we have already been out dating Birdies in "Hatoful Boyfriend", now we are Attorneys on the hunt for truth and justice - err… or something like it. First case and we already fail with both, but never mind, it was conclusive and that's all that matters, right? RIGHT? Also we are hiding a (not so dark) past. And we are a super sharp eyed falcon birdie. With a clumsy sidekick. Well, he's not that bad actually. He just has zero tact. And knows how to cheat. And finds broken glass… with his feet -.- And well, yeah, maybe he is a shady character. But he was nice company and in the end he even was usefull - sometimes :]
We also had an absolutely heroic ending! But since I don't wanna spoil, I won't. But we totally where on the side of the ppl and stuff. And do not trust the big bad wolf! Just don't! Kitty cats are… semi ok. But not the wolfies! Parrots are a bit stupid (which is actually funny since there are enough parrots running around capable of talking and being smartass, I guess? I never had one, so I dunno rly.) and lions… well, we know how lions work, right? But don't call a kingfisher fisherman! Even if they fish! Or angel.
So yeah, they certainly worked with some animal cliche's but that was cute and adorable. The most disliked thing… it's black and white. Or brown and white? Sure they try to make it look oldschool that way. I get that. And that's alright. But I like my VNs to have colour and be bright and marvelous! \o/ Wait, Nin! That's your only complaint? That's pretty lousy, right? Are you sure, there is nothing else? Yep, I am. I liked this game. Though… not as much to get every outcome, but I had a pleasant time with it and I totally tried getting on the bottom of things. So I liked. I want more detective/truth finding games! GIMME MORE! \o/
Recommendation? Yep :)

Cat Story ahead!
So my dad asked me, if I’m starting to… forget things (he wasn’t that polite about it), but I just love telling this. So I do know, I already told you about it last time, but I shall do it again: Tizio decided to sleep on a regular basis in my bed. I’m pretty certain I told you about him falling out of the cat-tree. I think I might have mentioned how he also fell from the top of the shelf while sleeping. Ever since he avoided both places. Ever since he decided to spent more time in my bed. With me. Sleeping with me in my bed! <3 I could even push one feet under him, like real careful. And last night he was lying for some minutes between my legs like my old lady cat used to do. Until he decided that might not be safe and he might need to grab something to eat. Afterwards he just lazed on my blanket, but for a moment, we’ve been there! Me in catheaven! <3
Also my friend who had the baby last year, visited with the baby. And Tizio came face to face with said baby. And they seemed to like each other. Ameno had no time though. He was… uh, dunno where. Plus Ameno had a cold. A little one, nothing too serious. But completely my fault. I let him go into the garden and get some fresh air. That was clearly a mistake, bc afterwards he started sneezing like a maniac and… yeah, slight cold. But he’s better by now. Just no more garden for him, til it’s really warmer. And yes, we do have wintertime. But we have no snow and the temperature is so far hardly ever beneath 0°C. We still hope, but somehow… I don’t believe in winter and snow anymore :(

The rest? I still have a hard time motivating myself to do anything! But I’ve been painting – on Saturday. Since I couldn’t make myself go on Friday. Also I finished one book… I started last summer. And I started my 2019 book challenge. And since I tried to not overdo it (again) I said I wanted to read 12 books. Last year I wanted to read 24 – which rly is not that much, but I still failed. Dunno why I’m having such a hard time reading, since I used to love reading and I used to read min 100 pages per day. But that’s… like 15 years in the past. Now I’m too much into gaming/knitting/tv. My life sucks.
Also I got a hometrainer (do you call those bikes for home that as well?) aaaaaand since one can totally read while training, I can totally use that for both reading and… yeah, training. Let’s hope that’ll work out :D
So even if I’m against goals for the new year, I decided to do that. Reading, training, getting a few things sorted. But I didn’t decided them on new years eve, so I’m safe on that front :D

Ninglor_ious on Instagram

So much from me :)
Have a lovely week!
Queen Ninglor

Dad Tip #65 - Grow your own vegetables. It’s cheaper, I think


Danganronpa is most possibly my second best series of all time Yakuza being the first of course
Hope you enjoy it!


I’m having an awesome time with it! \o/
You sure forgot Mass Effect in the best game series of all time! shock ;)


Your tastes change as you grow. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve stopped reading and then picked it up again after a while. Same with everything else. It’s completely normal. Just don’t force yourself. Let it happen. :)
I like to listen to audiobooks while I’m running/working out. Maybe they work better for you than regular books. Good luck with goals! o/


Actually that was not so much of… oh, you mean general reading? Yeah, maybe that. Although I still like to read, but ever since I started to play more and more games, books became less and less. But I still love these moments where you read a book and you can’t put it aside until you’re finished <3
Actually I worked out just now… and I got to reading while doing it. That was pleasant happy