
Progress report: September 2019

If there was ever a month to be ashamed of progress, it’s this one. Not only did I barely complete anything, I also bought a lot of games. Like… a lot. Seriously.
However! I suppose there is one unfinished game that deserves a special mention…

  • A Raven Monologue
    A Raven Monologue

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Monster Prom
    Monster Prom

    23.4 hours playtime

    25 of 32 achievements

  • The Deer
    The Deer

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

A Raven Monologue - Best described by its Steam store page, A Raven Monologue is “a short experimental silent story about a raven that does not know how to croak and his relationship with the people in the town”. To put it bluntly, I didn’t understand the story at first, but there is a pretty solid interpretation (one of many?) available, which helped me out. Artistically speaking, the visuals are incredibly pleasing to the eye and the theme song is quite nice (although the odd accent the singer put on some words was noticeable, inevitably). Definitely looking forward to other works from Mojiken Studio.

Monster Prom - Now this… this is a game I never expected myself to get behind… but then I did. When I saw a video of the alpha version, I didn’t see the appeal and completely forgot about it… until it came out. After watching a few videos of the final product, I decided I must have it. After I traded for it, I started playing and… it took up pretty much all of my gaming time for September. Honestly, it’s everything it says and more! The characters are highly likeable (literally can’t pick a favorite when it comes to potential dates!), the music consists of a bop after a bop and the plot is as nonsensical as it gets without forgetting of what the character shticks are. As I fell in love with this game, I couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that the second one is coming out next year… and then there are also three more in the works! THREE MORE! Even though I’m gonna try and take a break from it so it doesn’t dominate my life, I can’t help but aim to complete it… but that’s TBA, as it’s estimated to take a looong time.

The Deer - This has got to be the worst game I’ve ever received in a trade. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not bad, but… it’s bad. The way it’s made is what makes it a failure. Its presentation makes it impossible to tell what age group it was supposed to target, the information presented is wordy and forgettable (if you want to help children learn, do so through callbacks!), and the minigames are a joke. Even if you couldn’t care less about what your kid is playing, as long as they stop bothering you, it’ll be 15 minutes at best until they’re done with The Deer.

If there’s anyone curious about IRL, since September is now over, it means I finally have my new furniture! Woop woop! I wanted to show you all fellow assassins before and after pics, but I haven’t uploaded them anywhere to link in my post yet… maybe next month? I’m already late enough with this post.

Also, it’s finally October, which means… I CAN PLAY S P O O K Y G A M E S! …as long as I have time, of course.

Anyway, see you all next month!


Yay for new furniture!! Would love to see before/after pics, if you feel so inclined.
It looks like A Raven Monologue might be a good candidate for Ylthin’s recent post?
Enjoy your SPOOKY games!


I’ll try to remember to upload them! I really do wanna show the comparison, no matter how bad the pics are (lol)

Oh dang, I just saw that post! Ominooous~
(I have played a lot of free games on Steam though, so there’s got to be something I liked a lot more, but can’t recall now…)

HAH! Jokes on me, I started spending my afternoons in front of the TV… haha… ha… sigh… why’d I have to get hooked on a cartoon >.<