iracional 88

Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery - great art, light on content
Blasphemous - finally got around to it, polished metroidvania
Darkside Detective: Fumble in the Dark - slightly weaker than the first game (especially later segments), but did make me laugh
Dreamscaper - fun, short runs, wonderful item descriptions, a wholesome core - the story/protagonist didn’t click with me, but there is just something about the whole experience that’s worth trying
Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst - timed challenges are not my thing XD
Mulaka - simple folklore game with one of the odder endings around
Sable - enjoyed the setting, the map itself not so much
SCARF - short and straightforward
Scarlet Nexus - solid JRPG
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun - Aiko’s Choice - A little more of a wonderful, heartbreaking game. Really missed these characters.
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles - initially charming, gets a bit grindy/repetitive later on