Sv. Prolivije

I will make an exception for Screenshot Sunday #54 and post an “in-game” screenshot that isn’t fancy (shocker, I know). Why you may ask? Well, I decided to give A Total War Saga: Troy, a strategy game, a try. This is super weird for me, as I don’t really do strategy or grand strategy, but, I’m having fun. I chose Odysseus first, but found his fighting style lacking (aka, he is a sneaky boy). So, I decided to go with Achilles as I like to pound my men upfront close and personal! I’m still overwhelmed by all the mechanics in the game, as the last Total War game I played was Total War: Napoleon and I played it like 10+ years ago (on an unrelated note, bought it during the last sale, so I will also try to conquer Europe with peasants as well). I’m still not a great battle strategist, and my silly tactics don’t always work as I envisioned them. Still, pictures in my brain are way more in my favor than the animated battles I see.

So, with that all said, here is my first victory with Achilles. Pretty good for a noob of the genre and series as I am.

first victory!

The first of many (hopefully)


I call hax. :p