

New year begins with a bit of cleaning. I had multiple longer ongoing games that I can now close. I also went through “won’t play” section and moved some of them as beaten. These were games were I had beaten some other version (original/remaster) and had no achievements. I still have some games on that list that are remasters with achievements and I have beaten the original without achievements. It is silly but they really look like a sore sight in my library.

Let the good fight continue.


Deep Rock Galactic

111.4 hours, 49 of 69 achievements

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Enjoyable shooter. Played both solo and co-op. Cleared this season but left some of the assignments (most of the weapon unlocks) to the next season. Everyone needs to have this rock solid beard growing simulator.


15.3 hours, 30 of 30 achievements

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Another completion, don't have that many of these. Kinda funny game idea but would really need more QoL features and a bit more variety in gameplay loop. Still good for its price.

Faerie Solitaire Remastered

15.5 hours, 28 of 30 achievements

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Beat the original years ago and now cleaned this remaster too (previously marked as won't play). These remasters with achievements really bug me. Took basically the same amount of time to beat it again.


34.3 hours, 28 of 40 achievements

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Quite bizarre game that has more than one layer in it. It keeps changing gameplay-wise and the narration was well done. Not the most complex card game but other areas really carry it.



82.6 hours, 24 of 100 achievements

Across the Obelisk

66.7 hours, 99 of 129 achievements


9% (34/383)
79% (303/383)
6% (22/383)
1% (3/383)
5% (21/383)

Congrats on your progress, wow you’re close!


After years of struggling through it. :p But I am near to my goal of having around five “active” games. Good luck with your backlog journey!