tubberware’s profile

The never ending struggle of beating the backlog.

I intend to beat all the (acceptable) games in my library. This promise has taken me way too many years and is still in progress. I don’t intend to complete games. Aiming to get 100% rate is not worth it for me. Completing the main campaign (or similar) and getting as many achievements on the way counts as beating the game for me.

Generator link for me

June 2024

What a sprint! Got too grind fests: Grindstone (finished) and Mechwarrior 5 (on going). I get really cranky when I feel game has overstayed its welcome and I still have X hours left to get it done. Both games hit that feeling and hard. Don’t have enough real problems in life, it seems. :D



15.8 hours, 40 of 71 achievements

Click to expand

Solid game with nice visuals and alright story. Gameplay was quite smooth but I have difficulties with rhythm games.


41.5 hours, 49 of 49 achievements

Click to expand

True to its name, it is a god damn grind fest. It has enough content and gameplay for about 10 hours max and it just keeps going. Way too long. Map after map with new levels. Did not enjoy this one after first couple hours.


MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

48.0 hours, 11 of 19 achievements

Halls of Torment

36.8 hours, 271 of 310 achievements


9.0 hours, no achievements

Card Hunter

20.9 hours, 6 of 50 achievements


8% (37/437)
80% (349/437)
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May 2024

Slow month as I did not play that much. Spent more time on reading. Finished campaign of Hi-Fi RUSH but still working on some extra content. Also now aware how I lack any proper rhythmic sense.


None. :/



15.8 hours, 40 of 71 achievements


68.3 hours, 32 of 38 achievements

Rayman Legends

5.0 hours, no achievements

Halls of Torment

35.9 hours, 268 of 308 achievements


8% (36/433)
80% (348/433)
5% (22/433)
2% (7/433)
5% (20/433)
8% (36/432)
81% (348/432)
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80% (342/428)
5% (22/428)
2% (8/428)
5% (20/428)

April 2024

Didn’t play that much this month. Focused more on reading and finishing existing games. Still one new addition to library, but also finished it in the same month (Citizen Sleeper). Started playing Rayman together with SO. Controls are way clunkier than I would have hoped but the game is otherwise alright. Perhaps bit harder than desired as some of the gaming mechanics work quite badly in co-op mode.


Citizen Sleeper

10.4 hours, 15 of 27 achievements

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Game is quite minimal and relies more on atmosphere and feeling than actual gameplay. You roll number of dice each round that you can allocate to different activities. It is about decision making, focusing resources (dices) and reading the plot. Alright game but nothing special.

Black Skylands

14.0 hours, 23 of 28 achievements

Click to expand

Found the game lacking. Upgrades and core gameplay loop could have used couple more iterations. Halfway through the game, I basically became unkillable so the fights were mostly pointless waste of time. Story was okayish for indie action game.

Scarlet Tower

24.7 hours, 58 of 79 achievements

Click to expand

Managed to clear first level of the last map so I count that as beating the game. There are more difficult levels available but this one is enough for me. Weapons and their upgrades don't feel as good as in other games of the genre. Also, most the gameplay feels quite random. It is hard to knowledge what e.g. damages or heals you at any given point.

ENDLESS™ Dungeon

43.6 hours, no achievements

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This was a disappointment. Got potential but everything felt slightly wrong and lacking, except music. Like the game couldn't decide between being tower defense or twin stick shooter game drawing short stick on both. Also, it was way too hard for normal difficulty. Cleared most of the content solo but played multiple rounds in co-op.



66.8 hours, 32 of 38 achievements

Rayman Legends

4.1 hours, no achievements


8% (36/432)
81% (348/432)
5% (21/432)
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2% (8/428)
5% (20/428)

March 2024

Another slow month with helldiving taking most of my gaming hours. Still have quite many roguelites unfinished. The bunch from last month is still waiting for me. Managed to beat the big boss in Scarlet Tower (I guess) but trying to get couple more achievements before quitting. At least Black Skylands has solid progression.


Patch Quest

25.3 hours, 17 of 27 achievements

Click to expand

Certainly harder than it looked. Gameplay was confusing at first with so many bullet and minion types. Got better with time but kinda lacked content for its run time. Was better in company though only played once that way.



46 hours, 29 of 38 achievements

Scarlet Tower

21.2 hours, 56 of 79 achievements

Black Skylands

12.0 hours, 19 of 28 achievements


8% (36/430)
80% (344/430)
5% (23/430)
2% (7/430)
5% (20/430)
8% (36/428)
80% (343/428)
5% (22/428)
2% (7/428)
5% (20/428)
8% (36/428)
80% (342/428)
5% (22/428)
2% (8/428)
5% (20/428)

February 2024

Slower month. Busy with work and roguelikes keep eluding me of the completion. Should suck less, I guess? Also have been testing/playing some of my free Epic games. Jurassic World Evolution is simple theme park simulator but still somehow enjoyable. Mutant Year Zero felt like dumbed down XCOM (modern) that is dumbed down XCOM (classic).



23.8 hours, 42 of 54 achievements

Click to expand

Certainly not what I was expecting. For some reason I was expecting more of building mechanics and less scavenging. Humor was alright but kept diminishing through the game. Could have used more of the immortal chicken. I think I kept playing the game wrong. Wasted so much time gathering resources that didn't really need.



9.3 hours, 9 of 44 achievements

Halls of Torment

26.9 hours, 226 of 301 achievements

ENDLESS™ Dungeon

39.5 hours, no achievements


8% (36/428)
80% (343/428)
5% (22/428)
2% (7/428)
5% (20/428)
8% (36/428)
80% (342/428)
5% (22/428)
2% (8/428)
5% (20/428)

January 2024

Still going through my leftovers from old bundles. Trying to avoid getting new ones, which is somewhat difficult as the currently ongoing soulslike bundle from Humble seems to alright. The problem is that any bundle increases backlog by couple months. Decisions.


Ghostwire: Tokyo

34.2 hours, 52 of 66 achievements

Click to expand

Pretty good game with nice usage of its chosen theme, solid action and alright characters. It gets somewhat grindy in the late parts but that is the problem with all open world games with gazillion mini tasks to do.

The Wild at Heart

11.9 hours, 21 of 29 achievements

Click to expand

Disappointment. It is a minion controller game (don't know the genre name). I have previously played Overlord series. There the puzzles felt more engaging, battle was fun, humor actually hit, and gameplay was engaging. This game has none of those things. It has cute visual style and that is mostly it.


ENDLESS™ Dungeon

12.4 hours, no achievements


15.2 hours, 16 of 54 achievements

Scarlet Tower

19.3 hours, 54 of 79 achievements


8% (36/428)
80% (342/428)
5% (22/428)
2% (8/428)
5% (20/428)

December 2023

Time to switch year. Backlog counter increased from 383 to 425. Bars remained quite same so it was mostly playing games as they were added. The year included some big ones (e.g. Monster Hunters, Batman Arkham Knight), some long waited (e.g. Hollow Knight, Running with Rifles), some disappointments (e.g. Bloodstained, Dragon’s Dogma), and some surprises (e.g. Spiritfarer, Necrosmith).

The quest for the year 2024 remains the same: clear the backlog. Happy new year everyone!


God Of Weapons

26.6 hours, 72 of 93 achievements

Click to expand

This one was a strange combination of VS clone and inventory management. Game consists of 15 short rounds and you get new slots based on how many levels you get on each round. More inventory means more stuff means more damage/buffs means easier game. Basic gameplay is good. Would be nice to have still some additional meta progression and more content e.g. enemies.

Nobody Saves the World

19.7 hours, 29 of 41 achievements

Click to expand

You play as shapeshifting mage meaning you got a lot of different characters to choose from each having their own specialties. Nice idea but I found its implementation to be lacking. They could have squeezed more stuff from this. Story tries to be funny, and has its moments, but isn't that memorable. Drops into okay-ish category.

The Gunk

4.7 hours, 14 of 17 achievements

Click to expand

Short action platformer with more emphasis on the characters. You play as space cleaner with a vacuuming hand cleaning out corruption dirt. Short enough as they clearly did not have ideas for more.

Batman: Arkham Knight

36.2 hours, 70 of 113 achievements

Click to expand

Proper end for the trilogy. Everything is bigger and better. Same solid gameplay. You play as the dark knight, breaking bones of baddies and brooding all over the screen. Took me quite a while to finally play this one out after the first two.

Midnight Fight Express

11.7 hours, 25 of 40 achievements

Click to expand

Had severe technical issues with this one that basically drained most of the fun. Finished the campaign, though. Fighting felt good but added gunplay kinda breaks the flow.

Graveyard Keeper

61.0 hours, 61 of 125 achievements

Click to expand

Wow, this certainly took time. Core gameplay loop (one game day) goes so fast, and you got so many chores to do, that time easily flies. It is quite grindy but because of previous reason, it does not feel as heavily for a long time. Really well designed because as they got so much game time out of relatively little content.


ENDLESS™ Dungeon

2.4 hours, no achievements

Halls of Torment

25.8 hours, 213 of 254 achievements

Ghostwire: Tokyo

3.0 hours, 8 of 66 achievements


8% (36/425)
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9% (34/383)
79% (303/383)
6% (22/383)
1% (3/383)
5% (21/383)

November 2023

Not that much gaming this month. Quite many good bundles also made backlog grow again, though they will keep popping more in the future when I activate them later on.


Journey To The Savage Planet

14.0 hours, 37 of 51 achievements

Click to expand

It is an alright FPS with light shooting and medium platforming elements in it. Not too long and humor works.


Batman: Arkham Knight

10.8 hours, 11 of 113 achievements

God Of Weapons

12.4 hours, 46 of 93 achievements


9% (36/419)
80% (334/419)
5% (21/419)
2% (8/419)
5% (20/419)
9% (36/417)
80% (333/417)
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2% (8/417)
5% (20/417)
9% (36/415)
79% (328/415)
6% (23/415)
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9% (34/383)
79% (303/383)
6% (22/383)
1% (3/383)
5% (21/383)

October 2023

Did not beat any pumpkins but got couple games off the list. No true horror games on it. Humble had couple good bundles lately so I guess my backlog is still increasing. Work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


Monster Hunter: World

162.3 hours, 61 of 100 achievements

Click to expand

Just called it quits with this one. Still had some extra missions left but the started to get very grindy. Good game and solid MH entry. Like Rise more than this one with more streamlined action, better UI, and some QoL improvements.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

17.6 hours, 38 of 45 achievements

Click to expand

This one was a disappointment. Pretty much everything felt off. Did not like 2.5D graphics, UI is clunky with poorly written characters and story. Gameplay related to shards was an alright idea but too grindy. Market has much better metroidvanias available so skip this one.

Bounty of One

22.3 hours, 91 of 98 achievements

Click to expand

A bit simple Vampire Survivors clone with limited content. It is wild west themed with co-op option, which made the game much more fun. I doubt would have enjoyed it as much as I did if I had played it solo.


34.9 hours, 39 of 45 achievements

Click to expand

Okayish/good game of its genre. Some of the enemy animations felt weird that made parrying/dodging harder than it should have been. Story revolves around depression and human relationships. Nothing off in this but also nothing that special.

Trover Saves the Universe

5.9 hours, 23 of 27 achievements

Click to expand

Rick and Morty without animation. Game started with some good gameplay hooks by having the game react to player actions. It was downhill from there. Gameplay is really simple and not that interesting. Story and voice acting should have the biggest draw but it sounds like four year olds doing improv. The quality is quite shitty. The game literally has a character giving a monologue about how much he loves shit. At least it doesn't take long to beat.


Halls of Torment

21.4 hours, 197 of 250 achievements


7.3 hours, 9 of 44 achievements

Journey To The Savage Planet

7.2 hours, 17 of 51 achievements


9% (36/417)
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9% (34/383)
79% (303/383)
6% (22/383)
1% (3/383)
5% (21/383)

September 2023

MH is still hanging. Getting that DLC was certainly a blunder. :p BoO and Dreamscaper are almost done, just finishing last extra tasks. Vagante did surprise me with its difficulty. Playing it in co-op and it is brutal at places. Shopkeepers are scary. Next month (hopefully) pushes multiple games to the green.


Strange Brigade

11.6 hours, 25 of 60 achievements

Click to expand

It is not a very good game. Story/humor is kinda wonky (trying with old British style) and combat doesn't feel satisfying. Puzzles were alright. In co-op it passes, like a B grade movie.


Monster Hunter: World

162.3 hours, 61 of 100 achievements


3.3 hours, 8 of 44 achievements

Bounty of One

13.5 hours, 80 of 98 achievements


27.9 hours, 32 of 45 achievements

Halls of Torment

16 hours, 174 of 243 achievements


9% (36/415)
79% (328/415)
6% (23/415)
2% (8/415)
5% (20/415)
9% (36/411)
80% (327/411)
5% (20/411)
2% (8/411)
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9% (36/407)
79% (322/407)
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80% (313/391)
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1% (4/391)
4% (17/391)
9% (36/385)
80% (309/385)
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9% (34/383)
79% (303/383)
6% (22/383)
1% (3/383)
5% (21/383)
437 games (+1 not categorized yet)
2% never played
5% unfinished
80% beaten
8% completed
5% won't play